
WarCry – Gloomspite Gitz Part 4

It's been a while since I've painted Squigs, and since I got Zarbag's Gitz from Dennis' Hachette subscription, I had the opportunity to paint the new incarnation of red bouncy ones for the first time.

Play-wise, they make the most sense when there's a horder in the warband that can give them a movement bonus. Otherwise, Squigs play exactly as I expected, they are real glass cannons. They can make a difference in attack, but one cough is enough and they're off the table too.

WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 4 WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 4 WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 4 WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 4

I tried to stick to the studio scheme as far as possible for the painting, as I quite like it. The only changes were the claws, which I painted more in the style of the 6th Edition of Warhammer, and the occasional scales. Somehow it's just easy to paint them as a little black something and it contrasts well with the rest of the model.

The red color was a challenge - unfortunately you can't see it very well in the photo, but it's pretty much the same red that you can see on the store page. The base color was Mephiston Red, which was darkened with purple for the recesses. I highlighted it by adding Dwarf Flesh, some Bleached Bone and finally a final touch by adding white.

Only two more models and the warband is fully painted…


Greetings from the Chaosbunker


Posted by Dino

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