
Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 1

As you can see, I've revamped my community project a bit and it's no longer titled Blood Bowl Community Team. But don't worry, the premise remains the same - I'll be immortalizing particularly active members of the community, or those who have simply been an enrichment to my personal hobby. I will tell the teams story bit by bit over the course of the project, based on the player descriptions as well as some of the games I have played. But I won't keep you waiting any longer. Here comes the first player!

Dierk von Evilstein

The name Evilstein evokes a certain awe in many players and fans. The efficiency of Engel von Evilstein’s weapons was only surpassed by the explosiveness of his loins, and so it's not surprising that wherever he competed in matches...he liked to deepen the relationship with his fans after the games.

It is not known how many offspring Engel has ultimately fathered. But Dierk “Judge” von Evilstein is in no way inferior to his father’s reputation on the pitch, despite his rather friendly nature. Only off the field does he show far more decency than his father did.

Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 1 Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 1 Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 1 Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 1

The first dedication goes to Dirk - I got to know Dirk during one of my first visits to the Bedburger TableTop Freunde e.V. and played my first Blitz Bowl games with him. I have not yet managed to win a single game against him, but with such a friendly fellow player, that doesn`t really matter. Nevertheless, on my next visit I will try to even out my win/loss record a little bit.


Greetings from the Chaosbunker


Posted by Dino

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