
SzenarioCon 2024

My first visit to SzenarioCon in Hackenheim was just a year ago and yet the event has managed to become one of my favorites in a very short time. The reason for this is obvious, the range of gaming tables is very extensive and the gaming clubs really go out of their way to offer something special. Together with Jens, the head honcho of Chefoberboss, I visited Szenario again this year and would like to share my experience a few of the tables that were on display at the con. For a general look and a few more nice impressions, you can also take a look at Jens' YouTube video or directly go to the Szenario Facebook page.

We were there quite early and so I managed to take a snapshot in good time, when the hall wasn't filled to the brim. The number of registered guests and latecomers was between 250 and 300 people.

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim

You can already see here that the many panels only allow a little more space for further exhibits. However, as the con has grown very steadily and, above all, successfully, an additional hall will be opened for exhibits next year.

It was a little more difficult to get some nice close-ups of the records. Not because I couldn't get close enough, but because the light in the main hall is simply a bit dim. This beautiful table from the WarKHaspers Bad Kreuznach, for example, featured a small escape scenario. I'm generally into pulp adventures, so the table appealed to me straight away.

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim

The game table for The Silver Bayonette was also very pretty, and the TableTop Nerds Mainz promptly placed a Pirates of the Caribbean setting over it. The table came in a wooden box and revealed the interior of a huge cave. The attention to detail and the lighting effects inside made my heart leap for joy, because "pirates" are another setting I have a thing for.

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim

Since we recently talked about Rank 'n File systems in the podcast, I took the opportunity this time to take a snapshot of Pikeman's Lament, one of the "Blue Books" from Osprey Games. The Kurpfalzfeldherren have recreated the outbreak of the 30 Years' War.

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim

The Alien vs. Predator gaming table was also visually impressive. This was one of Udo Zipelius' own game developments. Unfortunately, I don't have a homepage address that I can offer you, as there would probably be a few more first-hand pictures of the scenario in addition to my own. The placement of the crashed helicopter was particularly neat. You can't help but think about it...

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim


SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim

As I was busy at the Freebooter Miniatures stand, I unfortunately didn't get to test Charioteer from GMT Games. Although a fantasy variant was played here, the premise remains the same - beat the other drivers and finish first! If the opportunity arises, I will buy the rulebook sooner or later. The first impression reminds me totally of the PC game Quadriga. Granted, the look of Quadriga is more reminiscent of the RatRace screensaver from Windows95, but the mechanics behind it would work well for a tabletop game, so I'd like to know if it was the inspiration for this game.

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim

Did I just mention Freebooter? They had a panel for their upcoming game Ascending Fate...

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim

...and of course two demo tables for Freebooters Fate! I think the last time I played Freebooters Fate was in 2016...I don't remember exactly, but when the cult appeared as a faction, the steam was out for a while and so I was curious to see if I would still enjoy the game.

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim

To be honest, I could barely remember the rules, but Carlo and the original Angry Mike were able to give me a good impression of the current set of rules and convinced me to paint the rest of my Brotherhood after all.

Admittedly, I probably won't be actively playing Freebooter's Fate, but I'm always up for a quick game against one of them at a convention! If you can call it a quick game - as I mentioned, I spent a crazy four and a half hours there! But you can probably see from that how much fun I had.

I think you can already see that I can only recommend the Scenario Con. It is nice that the access for traders is limited, so that the event keeps a very game-focused character and there were other systems than 40K and AoS to see. Jürgen Bertes, also known as Simmerhammer, also showed me the extended area for next year's convention.

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim

As you can see, there will be plenty of room for even more tabletop fun in 2025 and we are already looking forward to the next Scenario!

SzenarioCon 2024 Hackenheim


Greetings from the Chaosbunker


Posted by Dino

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  1. This is a very good and detailed review of the Szenario Convention 2024!
    It was apleasure to visit it together with you.

    I look forward meeting you at the next con!

    All the best

    Jens / Chefoberboss

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