
Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 9

Slowly the warm time of the year, and with it the hobby summer hole, is coming to an end. In fact, with falling temperatures, I have begun to pick up speed again. The children sleep much better when it's not that hot, and occasionally I get an evening out of it too. So I have, despite a long dragged along flu, finally painted something up again:

Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 9 Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 9

A while ago I had already started a regiment of hoplites for Mortal Gods. However, I was not satisfied with the first incarnation of this gentleman here, as the mercenary look was somehow not quite captured.

Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 9 Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 9

Narratively, Patrobos comes from Patrai, a town on the upper coastal strip of Achaia, from which his name is derived. As a town close to the beach, I thought he must have been a sailor once, which is why a trireme suggested itself as a shield emblem.

In fact, I would also love to have something Mediterranean as a playing field that captures the feeling of being close to the sea. The multi-story houses of the middle east of Renedra form a good basis for this, since mud houses were widespread in ancient times.

Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 9

I'm still undecided how much effort I'll put in. One thing is clear, as soon as they are primed, I will glue the doors and the hatches firmly. The roof has also been glued down, although Renedra doesn't recommend it for playability purposes.

For a game like Mortal Gods, however, this doesn't make sense to me. Not only would you very rarely move into a building with, say, a single archer, but during a battle the homeowners would probably have their houses locked up tight.

Next month I may be able to step on the gas a little more, since I have a little vacation. My goal would be to complete the skin of as many models in the army as possible, so that I can gradually get game minis ready faster. But whether that will work out, we'll see at the end of October.

Expenses - since September also passed me by rather cautiously, I again didn't spend any money and now have 69.17 euros available for October. But since the Mortal Gods project is going well, I actually don't know what I should spend the money on...


Greetings from the Chaosbunker


Posted by Dino

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