Dino(‘s) Crisis Loot 2019
As promised, my personal loot from Crisis 2019.
- Crisis Special Event Mini 2019
- Warlords of Erehwhon Skeletons
- Oathmark Goblin Infantry
- Garstufts with snow
- Basing snow
- Frostgrave: Perilous Dark
- Frostgrave Elementalists II
- Six halflings from the Bring and Buy
- Reaper Bones Mule
- Five barrels for terrain
- Sheriff Jimjohn from Shootout in Dingstown
Dennis took care that a box of Oathmark Goblins from North Star and a box of skeletons from Warlord Games found their way to me. Both are meant as critters for different dungeon crawler scenarios and will appear again and again within my Frostgrave project. The grastufts and the artificial snow are also meant for this. The goblins are really fantastic! If you buy the box regularly, you will find six frames with five models each. Ideal to share it with another hobbyist and to give your games more charm and variety.
The selection of weapons, heads and bodies offers enough possibilities to easily assemble 20 different models.
The skeletons are also convincing, for about 20 Euro you can get 24 skeletons with different weapon options and a large variety of positioning options.
However, this requires a more tactical approach to assembly, so I will create a separate manual for this. The delicate parts can give the skeletons a rather gawky look if you don't have the patience to wait until the glue has hardened. Also with this box the selection of options is rich.
A little bonus are the pretty decals, which are kept in greek style and together with the models remind very much of the Harryhausen skeletons from Jason and the Argonauten from 1963 movie.
Nick Eyre from North Star Military Figures was so kind and sent me a cast frame of the new female plastic sorcerers that we will paint for him as part of a small side project. The frame comes with tons of bits and 20(!) head variations. It should hardly be possible to see an identical assembly on the field.
From the blister of the Elementalist I was primarily interested in the apprentice, because I intend to replace the old apprentice of the Necromancer. Somehow I like this look more than the one with the butcher's apron.
The halflings come from a Kickstarter that I don't know. I noticed them during the Bring and Buy because I liked the pose of the halfling lady in the lower left corner and would like to use her as a tunnel fighter for my warband.
The mule, Sheriff Jimjohn and the barrels are meant for Dead Man's Hand, because I want to revive the started project and with it the Wild West Wednesdays.
Since I am currently also trying to provide my personal hobby room with better equipment in order to be able to present my projects better, I' m taking the opportunity to show the Frostgrave critters also in the assembled state:
Beside a Mantic Ghoul the goblins look a bit slim, but beside a normal Frostgrave soldier they fit in well. Unfortunately I don't have a ready Mantic Orc at hand. Due to a failed painting attempt he ended up in a sterilium bath, but as soon as I have one or two more models prepared, I'll show them in a size comparison, too.
As a group "the bad guys" are already looking pretty neat and when I have got my hands on a turntable, I will also create a tutorial for a slightly more elaborate paintjob for skeletons.
So that was it with my personal impressions of the Crisis 2019 in Antwerp. Although we have only the end of November, I am already starting to plan my year 2020, because with the upcoming Christmas season and the annual idyll of family events, leisure time will probably shrink rather than grow in the near future. But more about that when I look back on this year and will take a look at things to come.
Until then, greetings from the Chaosbunker and let us know whether we will see each other at Crisis 2020!
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