
BLOOD BOWL – Journey of the Maulers: From fan to player

In the background of the Maulers story, I mentioned that there was a tryout and those of you who have followed the Journey of the Maulers so far, will notice that the following two players are Rikoth and Rotfang. I always like to give the minis a small characterization which is kept open enough to expand it over time.

The two are the first real repaints and I'm pretty happy with the result. When I painted them, I was't quite sure yet with the color scheme. Although I had chosen my main colors, the overall picture of the figures can change quickly by simply painting them on different places. For the fans, that was't a big deal, because they do not need a consistent image, but since Blood Bowl is vagueky based on American Football, the recognition value lies in a somewhat uniformous look of the players clothing.

As you can tell by the colors, I've only added some slight variations.

BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers

To explain the whole thing and still test different schemes, I stated in the last article that the Maulers are sponsored by Mork Donaldz, a fast food company run by Goblins. So a few of the guys still have to make do with old equipment from other teams.

That way I could vary the schemes in the team until I finally find a version I like enough that I can paint it onto twelve more players. With Rikoth I pursued a quite current approach: light pants, darker top and on the armor parts, the new yellow color of the Maulers. Rotfang on the other hand, showed the scheme that I originally had in mind for the Maulers, with a black arm and black helmet.

BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers

Although both worked well, the yellow version convinced me more, but I will make another test run on a Blitzer. All in all, I am satisfied with the progress of the repaints. I can only recommend to anyone, that you take your time in painting the team you like playing most, or pherhaps have nostalgic connection to. The feeling of a visually satisfying team is priceless when you're in the hobby.


   Although Rikoth and Rotfang were in constant squabble most of the time, Boz knew they would do good on the field. The bickering was just their way of communicating.

   He recognized the sublime moment of reverence that he once felt long ago, when he first struck the jersey of a Blood Bowl team as a player, when he looked into theit eyes. He was convinced.

   And if they needed some extra motivation ... well, he still had his whip ...


BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers


Greetings from the Chaosbunker


Posted by Dino

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