Blood Bowl – Skycastle Titans Part 4
The moment I thought, "Okay, now I'll just be playing with the team", the painting contest grabbed my attention. The site is still fresh and has the option to find tournaments and leagues for Blood Bowl as well as an artwork section where you can take a look at some beautifully painted teams and also the five winners of the painting competition.
I didn't think that I would actually place on the podium, but that's how Bunkerboss Dennis actually got a new Dark Elf team, as each winner got one of the new teams, while I myself got the motivation for another game with the Skycastle Titans out of it. I played against the Averland Avengers from Chefoberboss. Jens is particularly known in the German-speaking tabletop community for his YouTube channel, on which there is numerous videos about the hobby.
Here at the Bunker we can provide only some impressions of the game for now. Since Jens and I are both players who value a good atmosphere and like to combine this with a small story, we spontaneously decided that this match was about a sponsorship deal with Bugman's new BUGMANS XXLIGHT brand. Because of the similar team colors, that little story element almost came by itself.
If you want to know who won the deal at the end, you can find out in the match report on YouTube, as we let the camera run for the whole match. I have to apologize to the English-speaking visitors of the Bunker this time though - the match report is completely in german language.
Greetings from the Chaosbunker
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