Perry Miniatures AEC ‘Dorchester’ Armoured Command Vehicle
Fresh from the molds, the AEC Command Vehicle by Perry Miniatures, directly covered as a review as part of the Africa themed week.
The AEC 4x4 Command Vehicle was the most common ACV (armoured command vehicle) of the British Army. It was based upon the AEC Matador chassis (although available by the Perrys as code WR W47), as the British used to develop and employ purpose-built armoured trucks and busses as command vehicles.
Rubicon Models SdKfz 251/1 Ausf. C
Yesterday we had the shorter command SdKfz 250/3, today it is time for the SdKfz 251/1 Ausf. C by Rubicon Models in a review to shine.
Rubicon Models SdKfz 250/3 “Greif”
Continuing with the Africa theme week, we stay with the vehicle kits, switch the manufacturer to Rubicon Models and take a look at Rommel's personal command car, the SdKfz 250/3 "Greif".
Rubicon Models released a broad range of armoured vehicles and added later conversion sets to some of them, to give them even more options. One of these is the command upgrade for the SdKfz 250 (Alte and Neu) and SdKfz 251 (Ausf. C and D) kits. In this case we're going to combine the SdKfz 250/1 Alte with the upgrade kit to build a SdKfz 250/3 in this building review.
Rubicon Models GMC CCKW-353 2,5t Truck
Rubicon released with the CCKW-353 US 2,5 ton 6x6 Cargo Truck an allied counterpart to the amazing Opel Blitz kit (and the accessoires like Maultier available for it). It is one of the lighter vehicles by Rubicon and will be covered in this review.
Rubicon Models – StuG III Ausf. G
After covering the Maus and some Sci-Fi reviews, it is time to come back to "regular" tanks, like the StuG III. I covered the Warlord / Italeri one last november, and now I want to share the counterpart by Rubicon Models.
Crooked Dice Danger 5 for 7TV
Crooked Dice is currently publishing their 2nd edition of 7TV, a skirmish set up in cult tv shows. As such, a title like Danger 5 is way to interesting to say no, so the game design studio set up a themed box with matching miniatures and rules.
Rubicon A15 Crusader
Part of the Third Quarter 2015 releases is the A15 Crusader, including 6 different variants from Mk I to MK III, as well as the AA and CS versions.
Rubicon Opel Blitz
Part of the latest Rubicon Models releases is the SdKfz 305 or Opel Blitz 3-ton 4x2 Cargo Truck.
Roundhouse paint
On Tuesday there was a live-ticker on Brueckenkopf, for which i gathered a couple of running projects to continue. A short overview, what we are talking about. A uber-large Woman sculpted by Werner Klocke for Reaper, a paint in progress Hetzer, the White Dead from Warlord Games and two survivors from Hasslefree.
Bolt Action Blitzkrieg Infantry & Pioniers
For the early war years, Bolt Action has given the German troops two new boxes, the "Blitzkrieg" Infantry and the Pioneers box with the addition of pewter parts.
The boxes cost 25 and 28 GBP and contain 30 / 31 models. Let's take the first look at the all-plastic early infantry box.