
Titans, pirates and the weekend

Busy week - published my review on the Nemesis Warbringer kit yesterday and completed the pictures for the upcoming review on the Manufactorum Imperialis terrain kit for Adeptus Titanicus.

Adeptus Titanicus - Nemesis Warbringer Titan with Quake Cannon Adeptus Titanicus - Manufactorum Imperialis


Urban planning, Afrikakorps motor pool and the weekend

The Rohan articles got a lot of feedback, and I am pretty amazed by the kits (the houses are great and I just ordered a second palisade kit), so that topic will be further continued / developed.

The Lord of the Rings - Rohan House with added scenery bits The Lord of the Rings - Rohan House Scene Mockup

I have some generic terrain items in my collection, that can be used for almost everything, like boxes and crates. Along with the Renedra kits that I bought, I did a bit of scenes to see how they scale and work with eachother. I guess I have to paint those up fast and take some scenic pictures with Dino's Sword & Sorcery Frostgrave warband. But I'll go into detail on the kits that were used and how they fit in the separate posts.


Skype Sessions, Nuremberg and the weekend

The intention to meet up (virtually) for a painting session did work quite well this week, with 6 participants in total.

Skype - Malkränzchen

As we're not living close to each other, but spread all over the country, a virtual meet up is a welcome solution. Even if we were closer, due to many of being dads, we're more flexible this way to take a break or so. We did use Skype, but other options would be Discord or Facetime (if you're a pure apple crowd).


Weekend Update and January White Dwarf

My vacation is over, work has me back, so the overall output was a bit more relaxed compared to the week before. Last year, when the Rohan buildings were released, I was in touch with Games Workshop, so that I could a larger review on the new buildings. Unfortunately the Stronghold sold out unexpectedly quick and it took a bit of time to find an alternative. Long story short, in addition to the single Rohan House and Palisade & Watchtower kit, a batch of houses arrived from Radaddel. Thanks to both of them, now I can get started.

The Lord of the Rings - Rohan Houses

Because that was the reason, I didn't already do the review. I wanted to cover as much of that multi-purpose awesomeness that I think this kit is. And that will probably take the most time to handle the input and agree in my mind, what I am gonna build from the pieces.


Kick-Off 2020

As promissed, instead of closing the year with a summary, I want to look ahead into 2020 with a proper Kick-Off.

I could begin with the usual new years resolution, setting unrealistic goals like not buying any new miniatures before the others are painted and such. But I want to focus on activities that are fun, that are pro-active. And as such, I want to have a good time in 2020. The goal is not necessarily to have a better time, but to keep on having a good time with(in) my hobby. As pictures speak more than words, more of this:

Warhammer Fest Europe 2018 Kick Off - 2020 Hamburger Tactica 2019

Painting Get Together Brunnenfest Oberursel Kick Off - 2020


First Weekender of 2020

What a week, wasn't it? My Nottingham "Family Matters" Tour 2020 is covered on here and created quite the buzz, thanks for the feedback and especially for breaking the next mark on facebook! In case you missed it;

I am quite happy with the pictures from the miniature exhibition, as I brought a long a new gadget that I got myself a few weeks ago. A flexibel lens hood. Got it on Kickstarter, its the Ultimate Lens Hood 2.0, and went for the double pledge, that incl. one for my smartphone as well.

Ultimate Lens Hood Ultimate Lens Hood


4th Advent Weekender

I hope you had a solid december so far and can enjoy the upcoming holidays! It's the 4th advent and we're pretty close to Christmas. So let's take a look on what's cooking this weekend.

Lord of the Rings - Rohan Terrain

The new Rohan Buildings seem to be very popular, thus the Stronghold bundle was sold out in no time. I managed to acquire a kit of the town house and the tower / wall segment, that I'll cover in the new year. I am really looking forward to this, as the multipart kit provides a lot of freedom towards your creative needs.


3rd Advent Weekender

We are heading fast towards the end of the year. And an expected envelope from Sweden arrived. Didn't connect any of the nordic countries with the fulfillment of the subscription or parcel services.

Wargames Soldiers Strategy - Rubicon Tank Crew

Wargames Soldiers & Strategies Great Wargaming Survey, prices for the survey participants have been sent and received. I went for the tank commander sprue, as you can see casting is well and less glossy than in the past with human miniatures.


2nd Advent Weekender

St. Nicolas was busy this week, and no I am not talking about the holy Nick Cage, and put a couple of things into the stockings.

I managed to acquire some Hobgoblins from the Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl team at the Games n' Dice demo day. And my first intention was to use that as a base to start from, but I saw a complete team, incl. those special positionals (even the blunderbuss) and went for it. It is a higher invest, but I saved a lot of time and postage on smaller batches and individual orders.

Long story short, I have 15 hobgoblins that I'd like to sell. So drop me a message if you're interested.

Blood Bowl - Chaos Dwarves Team Blood Bowl - Chaos Dwarf Hobgoblins


Christmas Weekender 2019

It's December 2019, only 4 weeks 'til christmas and the year is nearly over. So what's cooking in the remaining weeks until 2020?

Of course the project of Abaddon's Black Legion will continue, as it is the most compact of the Oldhammer / Midhammer / Retroprojects and therefore should be the easiest to finish.

Warhammer 40.000 - Oldhammer Chaos Space Marines