Weekend Update CW 21/2020 – Oldhammer, mexican food and equipment
Prolonged weekend over ascension thursday / fathers day!
Working from home continues and my "office" is more of a studio than an office-in-home, so I work where I usually do my reviews and such. The notebook took a toll on the cutting mat and the exposure to the heat made it warp quite a bit. Therefore I replaced it with a new one and added a smaller A3 one on top. But will switch back on monday, when the regular work week continues.
And finally my Warlord order arrived, including my new open sea gaming mat, that I want to use with Cruel Seas and Black Seas. Along with the ships by Hagen Miniatures, I am looking forward to put the naval week(s) on here.
Weekend Update CW 19/2020 – Of Ships and Cooking
This week I picked up the Lord of the Rings / Middle Earth terrain reviews, with the Lake Town House. I even started on the kitbash, completing the core build, that will need a touch up with green stuff / grey stuff. And the Frostgrave articles continued as well, with the crewmen for Ghost Archipelago.
For the Oldhammer skirmish project, a small package from Worcester arrived, covering some old Ghouls and a Skeleton banner bearer. Yeah I'd change ghoul #5 and #6 for ghoul #11 and #12, but the banner was a great find. As for the core skeletons, I'm looking into either Crooked Dice or trying to recover some of the late 90s original plastic kits.
Weekend Update CW 18/2020
It's a prolonged weekend this week in Germany, with friday being labour day. A small lot of Dark Elves arrived, to go with my Realm of Chaos project, we had a go at the last missing piece of my Wild West collection and had another Frostgrave review this week.
Weekend Update CW 17/2020
It feels like we're taking up speed, this week just flew by. We opened up a new can of primer, covered the next Frostgrave kit, the female wizards and taking a look into the next Middlehammer project.
Post-Easter Weekend Update
Welcome to the post-eastern summary of the week. The week started with the first out of an upcoming series of articles about Frostgrave, that will be dual series, one part covering my unboxing and build reviews, and the other part with Dino gathering his warbands within the Sword & Sorcery adventure.
Within the gap of the review on the Civitas Imperialis kits and the further terrain building, I covered a third party - Troublemaker with their 6mm terrain kits. And I did a review on the Goblin Wolfriders of the Oathmark range. They just announced the new light elf kit, that was supposed to be released on the Salute weekend.
As for Salute, there are a couple of virtual replacements, but they can't replace the tour and guys weekend we usually have in London. But Salute isn't the only event that was cancelled or postponed, just on friday the Tinsoldiers of Antwerp announced that Crisis won't be held in 2020. By that our other "main event", having a similar weekend in Belgium with a half-year gap is cancelled as well. I have updated the event schedule for this year accordingly.
Happy Easter! Virtual easter eggs today. Three reviews on here this week, the warbands of the Wurmspat and Hrothgorn, as well as St. Celestine with Battle Sanctum.
I had chance to take a first glance into the Claymore Castings package, that I ordered. And this week a small package by Troublemaker Games arrived, with some samples for 6-8mm plastic terrain, that I'll look into shortly. The prolonged weekend enabled me to go through a couple of Frostgrave sets, preparing some articles that will go along with Dino's ongoing series A sword and sorcery adventure.
Weekender – Home Office Week 3
We went into the post-ww2-war era this week, with two reviews covering the Korean War, and the far future of Gaslands and the Horus Heresy. And I've taken the pictures for two upcoming Beastgrave reviews.
Weekender – Home Office Week 2
We're closing on week 2 in the home office. So what happened since the last weekend update? We had two reviews this week, supported some local stores, stocked up on candy and craftbeer, ordered at three miniature companies / FLGS that are currently missing out on sales due to closure and cancelled events.
Weekender – Home Office Week 1
So, the first week of social distancing is over. I swapped the coffee at work for a cup at home, and on friday we even had a virtual after hours drink. Where we used the infrastructure that was used for dailies, stand-ups and other meetings, for a beverage of your choice and some off-work chat. Working longer than a day or two from home was a bit strange at first, due to the lack of personal interaction, but thanks to my amazing colleagues and employer it went very well.
A side effect was that I gained an hour a day, that I wasn't commuting, and was spend on having breakfast / dinner with my family. And due to the fact, that most of my friends were in similar situations, most had already setup the facilities to work from home / participate in video calls, so we came together in the evenings for a chat and some virtual wargaming gathering a bit more often than usual.
Cancelled events and getting by in the current situation
Quite the weeks behind us and surely some interesting times ahead. I had to take a time out until last monday, as I was bed-bound for over a week. Work in the meantime was quite different, as many took the option for home office and almost all of the events were cancelled due to health concerns. So a lot less interaction with other people.
And those concerns spread out into our hobby as well. A lot of smaller and midsized events were cancelled, and even large one as the Adepticon. Games Workshop re-scheduled the huge preview they had planned and will provide it in an online variant. So far, Salute stays stubborn but I guess that the government or venue will take care of that (and they are waiting for that to happen due to liability issues). The way they went through with Hammerhead this weekend seemed unwise to me as well.
Any how, I'm sad that these action have to be taken, but I am rather safe than sorry. So I'll take a raincheck and will visit events after this whole thing has sorted out. In the meantime, I am pretty sure most of you have a pile-of-shame and some kind of hobby-related backlog, that is the perfect activity for the upcoming weeks of quarantine, isolation or other precautionary measurements. Either shop at your local gaming store or preferred online shop of your choice, stock up on primer and paints and get it going.