
Blood Bowl humans revisited

After the 2016/17 relaunch of Blood Bowl, I took the time to take a look at the current status of some of my teams and get a feeling what to do next.

As I already have quite a lot of teams and miniatures for the game around, there was no need for the whole new box, so I managed to buy just the pitch along with rules etc. on eBay. I have the 2007 (?) metal team around, but wasn't to happy as I missed a few of the mold lines prior to priming and started out with a too dark colour. So they got the special treatment and I stripped the colours, for a new beginning.

Blood Bowl - 4th / 2007 Edition Humans

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Ayora Studio – Meinolf, the last Captain

In June of this year Ayora Studio released a limited edition of Meinolf, the last Captain, a 54mm miniature.

Ayora Studio - Meinolf, the last Captain


Games Workshop on the rise?

Most of you probably noticed the drastic change at Games Workshop in the last few month and it seems that their pace in this "conversion" is quite fast.

Still many people are irritated by the transition of Warhammer Fantasy into Age of Sigmar. You have any reason to be, if you're looking for mass combat with large regiments, Age of Sigmar won't be your choice. But remember what is one of the biggest problems in our hobby. The high barrier of entry. And this high barrier is a reason for many other systems to not succeed.


Oldhammer much?

This year is my 20th (!) "anniversary" in wargaming. Still can't believe it has been that long, since my first miniatures and wargaming rules.


Inspired by the exhibiton at Tactica 2017 and associated contest on Sweetwater, I would like to share my beginnings in wargaming. It must have been the summer of 96, in an art study group at school. Somebody had Heroquest miniatures with them, and my oldest friend Holger remembered, seeing those at a toy store near our home town. We had 30-60 minute car travels (well, we annoyed our parents until the drove us) to nearby cities, to get our hands on our first White Dwarfs. In September I bought my first miniature, a Space Marine Veteran Sergeant or Captain, that I painted directly in store - in the colour of the Blood Angels, as those are part of the current starter box. Later that year I subscribed to White Dwarf, as it was an incredible hassle to get one in the countryside.


gamescom 2015 – Part II

And of course, part II of the gamescom visit. So what does a wargamer do on a video game show? He takes a look at wargames and wargame-themed games.

Neocore Games, a small independend studio from hungary, had Inquisitor Martyr with them, and even some death cult assassins to guard their booth. The game is still in an early pre-alpha status, but you could give it a try. It's a sci-fi hack & slay, where you control an Inquisitor against the foul heretics with already some nice graphics and grim dark feel. Some of the details are missing, but it is a pre-alpha so i am pretty sure, we will see more of it.

gamescom 2015 gamescom 2015 gamescom 2015

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Kickstarters and Dragonogres

After waiting that long and the big question, what's in it? I started unboxing the first batch of the Sedition Wars biohazard pledge. And to be sure it's complete.

Sedition Wars Sedition Wars