Warhammer 40,000 – Battlezone: Fronteris – Vox-Antenna and Auspex Shrine
Next individual review from the Nachmund bundle is the Vox-Antenna and Auspex Shrine.
Like the Fronteris Landing Pad, this is a 28mm scale terrain set has a RRP of 55 EUR or 42,50 GBP (~51 EUR). It covers two large sprues, each covering one of the items shown on the packaging. The assembly instructions don't cover a data sheet for the Vox-Antenna or Auspex Shrine, those rules (suggested terrain traits and additional narrative play abilities) are part of the War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone campaign supplement that is available separately for 42,50 EUR.
Warhammer 40,000 – Battlezone: Fronteris – Landing Pad
As announced on Saturday with the Battlezone Fronteris Nachmund bundle for Warhammer 40k, we'll be covering its contents one by one, starting with the Landing Pad.
The boxed set with terrain in 28mm scale and has a RRP of 55 EUR or 42,50 GBP (~51 EUR). It consists of a large sprue and single casted piece for the topper. The instructions don't cover a data sheet for the terrain piece itself, those rules are part of the War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone campaign supplement that is available separately for 42,50 EUR.
Warhammer 40,000 – Battlezone: Fronteris – Nachmund
Today is the release day of the latest terrain box for Warhammer 40,000 - the Battlezone Fronteris Nachmund. It was originally announced in January as part of War Zone Vigilus and now is finally here.
It went on pre-order last Saturday for 175 EUR and Games Workshop was kind enough to send me a copy for a review. The Nachmund boxed set is a bundle of the individual kits, shown below.
Necromunda – Water supply
After writing about the Ash Wastes coming to Necromunda, I felt the urge to build some terrain. I stocked up on some kits lately, and bought these two sprues from eBay.
But why the need for more terrain in Necromunda? I already have a truck load of bulk heads to recreate the classic kits along with some of the older 40k terrain kits. But to me, I always wondered, if Necromunda is about gang war, trying to sabotage the operations of the other houses, damage the production capacities and keep the rival house from fulfilling their commitments towards the guilds or higher houses. So why aren't didn't we see actuall production facilities? Mine shafts, melting pots, production lines or other industrial terrain, and not just shells of multi-level towers with walkways.
The true meaning of X-Mas … erm Warhammer
While I was looking for some special interest content / ideas, I browsed through my copies of the Citadel Journal and some of the articles, especially the conversions, reminded me of something, that often gets lost in the nostalgia of Middle- and Oldhammer.
I am looking online for the last missing pieces, a few poses to give my squads more variations and such, and I came across people who are collecting boxed as new kits and blisters (sic!). And while I can absolutely understand paying an extra dime for untouched and especially complete miniatures (just calculate the effort to strip painted miniatures and the time, costs and chances to get your hands on that missing bits), I honestly don't understand the appeal of collecting sealed blisters (unlike let's say action figures, you're just looking at a few grams of metal, a base and a sponge), to a degree keeping the boxes (they have the original artwork, are nice to look at, but keeping them sealed? yeah ... no).
Oldhammer – The Hunt – 2021 status
While consolidating and taking stock, I made the decision that I wanted to keep the scope of my collection to the mid to late 90s Games Workshop miniatures. I narrowed it down to certain projects and evaluated, which to complete or sell off.
The original idea was to write about "the hunt" for Old- and Middlehammer, which I started in 2019 with a brief introduction on how to start your project and to scope it. The ongoing process of sourcing your stock / the needed miniatures was covered in two more articles, one rather generic with basic information and another focused on the Imperial Guard. From there I went on and covered the progress, introducing the individual units, with detailed information on design, alteration, prices and so on - for example with Chaos Space Marines. And all that went more or less well until early 2020.
It is not that I lost interest on continuing the series or stopped the projects. It is primarily due to the fact, that the circumstances have changed so much, that it is rather difficult to write about something, like price values or suggestion, that aren't reliable or useful at the moment up until the unforeseen future. And it is not a single incident, more a rather unlucky combination of multiple things, that lay heavy on our small niché hobby.
Thunderhawks – Hooo!
Closing the gap on the area between Adeptus Titanicus and Aeronautica Imperialis got a bit easier, with the recent release of Astartes Aircrafts. And among those aircrafts, is one of the most famous flyers the Space Marines have, the mighty Thunderhawk! (Imagine the Thundercats intro ... hooooo!)
I have to be honest, the Thunderhawk has a special meaning for me. Beginning with the first Thunderhawk, all metal kit, that was released in the late 90s and I even held that one on my first visit to Warhammer World in 1999. And that particular kit got much more attention this year, when Emil a.k.a. Squidmar got one of these Thunderhawk kits, painted it up and sold it for an impressive 25.600 GBP.
GenCon 2021 Previews by Games Workshop
With the new way of communication, Games Workshop is more open on their previews. Along with the limitations of participating on shows, they opened up even more and do quite broad coverage on their Warhammer Community page.
Earlier last week, there was a preview, that we would see some new announcements on GenCon. For those of you not familiar with GenCon, it is the largest tabletop game (not just tabletop wargames, but any kind of game played upon a tabletop including related things like cosplay, video games and so on) event in North America. Comparable to the SPIEL in Germany, but in a much more professional, user-centred way.
Games Workshop just posted the logos of the systems that would be covered, Warhammer 40,000, Blood Bowl, WarCry, Warhammer Underworlds, Necromunda and Kill Team.
Warhammer+ – Hammer & Bolter & Angels of Death
A week ago on thursday, I received an invitation for a pre-release screening on the first Hammer & Bolter episode "Old Bale eye", which will be part of the Warhammer+ content.
Games Workshop ordered multiple Warhammer animations, among them the previewed Hammer & Bolter series. In the first episode we meet two Orks, who try to eat a Grot and are interrupted by a Runtherd. The runtherd takes the chances to bring the two ork boys back in line, by telling them the tale of Old Bale Eye, the ultimate enemy for any greenskin - Yarrick himself, and how Yarrick became the nemesis the orks got to know, fear and respect (a proper enemy is hard to find).
The missing piece – Imperial Fists Captain
Finally! I was able to get my hands on one of the miniatures that I've been searching for, for such a long time - the Imperial Fist Captain (the cloak backpack is simply an addition by me).