Trouble in Tollonia – Oathmark Campaign Part 1
Holey kamoley, what have I done!? After I played a game of Rangers of Shadow Deep at the beginning of the year with Nico and Andreas, two buddies from the forum of the Tabletopwelt, and watched a lot of Oathmark videos on YouTube, I had the idea to raise a small Oathmark force from the resulting background.
While I was talking about it with Nico via Discord, the idea kept mutating until the thought came up to maybe play an Oathmark campaign for a weekend. The basic idea was good: paint the existing pool of minis and make an army out of it, while they would also work in several other systems. Target date for completion? Fall 2023, possibly in October when there's less going on.
In the near future I'll talk about this topic more often, but for today I'll introduce you to my Goblin Champion. My force consists of a necromancer and her undead henchmen, as well as the lowly goblins pressed into service. In my eyes, they excellently fulfill the classic role of henchmen and cannon fodder that kick the bucket in droves in every movie scene. On the other hand, their numbers are usually so large and their sly deviousness so pronounced that they don't seem insignificant.
In Oathmark, Goblin Champions are not quite so frail. They are characterized as evil-eyed bullies who like to emphasize their words with a whip. That's the kind of bully I wanted to portray with this champion.
Wednesday Update #1
Answering the question, do the backdrops reflect? It depends. A quick snapshot what it's good for ...