Lords of WarCry – Da Redfists, Part 5
It is possible to make an Orruk with two bashas from the sprue of the Ardboys. I must confess, the clubs have such a wonderfully dull and brutal appearance that I really wanted to have an orruk with two of them. I also like the look of the faces of the Ironjaw Brutes and I think that an army always looks like it belongs together when it has a common recognition value like the facial features and heads.
Warcry Ravaged Lands – Shattered Stormvault
With Warcry filling in the fantasy counter-part of Kill Team, Games Workshop supplies the game with their variant of the Killzones called Ravaged Lands. We have covered a couple of those Killzones already on the blog, for example Killzone: Sector Mechanicus and Killzone: Sector Fronteris. And today we cover the first of the Ravaged Lands, the Shattered Stormvault.
Lords of WarCry – Da Redfists, Part 4
The nice thing about building up a warband is that you have the opportunity to try something new every now and then. With the fourth member of the Redfists I implemented something that I always wanted to try out: I painted Vorlug in a half-sided pattern. Depending on which side you look at the model from, it looks as if it has either a predominantly red armor or a predominantly black one.
Lords of WarCry – Untamed Beasts, Part 1
Dull drumbeats roar across Jagged Savannah of Ghur, calling the barbarian nomads to arms. Wild warcries mingle with the animalistic roar of the great beasts and are barely distinguishable. It's time to go and prove to Archaon the Everchosen as relentless enough to join his legions.
I've got into WarCry, too. I have been skeptical at first, but I could quickly learn a better one at my local dealer with a look in the new box (and in the rule book). The joint project "Lords of WarCry" here at Chaosbunker offers a nice opportunity to document the assembly and the painting of the really extensive box. Since Dennis will be the first to have a go at the buildings and Dino takes on his Orruks warband, I start with the Untamed Beasts warband.
Naval and nostalgic wargames
To continue the preparation of more Oldhammer, it is time to strip some plastic. I showed you the Rhino the last time, as well as some stripping of metal parts. Now we move on to the next level of complexity, larger kits and more fragile materials. Get a properly sized container and get on to it. I'll keep you posted in the next Rhino and Oldhammer posts.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Warcry Warband card decks
As I have two warbands with the Warcry starter set, the Untamed Beasts and the Iron Golems, it is time to see how we can get Daniel / Dino involved into this.
The Warcry product range covers card packs for multiple factions from Age of Sigmar, among them currently a total of three for the greenskins. And as Dino has his Hotpawz and Redfists, so we are going to take a closer look into the card pack for the Bonesplitters and Ironjawz.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar WarCry – Part 2
As promised we continue the review on Warcry today, after we've talked about the Warbands and other miniatures yesterday, the second part will focus on the terrain and gaming board you will fight your matches on.
Included with Warcry as part of the terrain is a 22" by 30" folding game plan. It is printed on both sides, but more on that further below. At first I was a bit irritated, as it is rather large, but it just folds one time less than the Kill Zone boards, as you can see in the comparison picture.
Warcry picks up on the folding game boards, that were introduced with Kill Team. If you remember the "buzz" on the size of them when they were released, that they were not orientating on the 4' by 4' or 4' by 6', but 22" by 30". Why is that? Well, that is size that is more appliable in gaming stores, taking up less space and making it possible for more participants to play on the same or smaller amount of tables. It roughly orientates on the dimensions of trading card games while using mats and such.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warcry – Part 1
Today is the release day of the newest boxed set within the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Universe - Warcry! Warcry is a skirmish game with smaller warbands and is offered as a starter set including terrain and gaming board, similar to what we know from Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team.
The box the starter set comes in is one huge beast, as you can see above and weights around 9 lb / 4 kg. It is quite thick and stable, similar to the Speed Freeks boxed set. It is twice as high as the regular Warhammer Age of Sigmar starter kits as you can see in the picture below. If you have ordered your copy in a Warhammer store or local gaming store, you might be in for treat, as they have several different promotional items, like these buttons and wristbands (as long as stock lasts).