
Age of Sigmar Stormbringer – Warcry Stormcast Warband

As mentioned in the last article, we're building a Stormcast Warcry warband from the Stormbringer Magazine content and we're already able to muster a small one with the first few issues (actually two, if you use the Kruleboyz as well).

With the content of issue #1 and #3, we have six miniatures and we're going to build Vindictors and the Knight Arcanum. The instructions are included in the booklets, all models are push-fit (but I'd recommend using glue) and come with 40mm round bases.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer - Warcry Stormcast Warband


Age of Sigmar Stormbringer – What’s next?

In case you're starting collecting Age of Sigmar miniatures with the Stormbringer magazine series, either by buying individual issues or being a subscriber, it'll take a few months until you have enough for a full scale match of Age of Sigmar. So what to do in the meantime?

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 01 Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 02 Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 03

First of all, the magazines cover some rules for an entry level gaming experience, and that's - especially for newcomers - a reasonable way to start with. But if you're already familiar with wargaming that might just not be enough for the beginning. Obviously, as you are not restricted to the content of the magazines, you can just drop by your local gaming store (Warhammer or independent) and pick up some more miniatures, like a Start Collecting or Vanguard box.

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October 2023 review

The post man was quite busy this month, as was Dino with his extensive coverage on Mortal Gods. And one of the events I managed to squeeze in this month was the SPIEL in Essen. And one of the few things, I picked up at the show, was this nice SioCast miniatures. If that name rings a bell, we've seen the machines at the Warlord Games studio. I'm looking forward to drop by their booth at Formnext on November 8th.

SioCast - Spiel 2023 Event Miniature

As I said, the post man was busy, and while I'm still working on the second Italy campaign book for Bolt Action, Tough Guts, which follows up on Soft Underbelly, and my backlog became a bit bigger (incl. the things I brought back from the BOYL trip, another Sd.Kfz. variant).


Warcry – Hunter and Hunted

This weekend WarCry receives a larger update, covering a terrain set Ravaged Lands: Scales of Talaxis, two warbands and a new supplement Hunter and Hunted. And this supplement will be covered today.

With Hunter and Hunted we move within the Gnarlwoods into a part, where we find new Seraphon relics, and two new warbands, Gorger Mawpack and Wildercorps Hunters, fight each other. Please note, this is not a stand-alone, you need either one of the starter boxes (or at least the rulebook) to be able to make use of this boxed set.

Warcry - Hunter and Hunted Warcry - Hunter and Hunted

This boxed set has a RRP of 105 EURs, covers a thin campaign booklet, instructions, a  card deck, a large sprue for the terrain and two sets of a pair of medium sprues for each of the warbands.


Warhammer Fest 2023 Recap and Comments – Part 1

This prolonged weekend (April 29th to May 1st 2023) was the Warhammer Fest 2023 hosted by Games Workshop in Manchester. This is the annual big Warhammer party, currently only held in the UK, but all the reveals and a lot of coverage can be found as well directly published by Games Workshop on their twitch or Warhammer Community page.

Warhammer Fest 2023

The last time we had a Warhammer Fest in Central Europe was in 2018, when it was hosted in Düsseldorf, Germany. We were there and covered the event on this blog.


A visit to … Fantasy-Spiele Würzburg e.V.

Last year, Dino started to combine his business trips with visits to tabletop clubs. We covered our visits in Bedburg and Aachen, and now with me attending a summit in Würzburg, I did the same and got in touch with the local gaming club, Fantasy-Spiele Würzburg e.V.

Fantasy-Spiele Würzburg is not just a wargaming club, but they do board games, pen & paper and trading card games as well and quite a lot, as every week is quite busy and offers a lot for the about 180 (!) members of the club. But more on that below.

Where is Würzburg and what do I need to about this city? Würzburg is a German city in the region of Franconia in the northern part of Bavaria. It is roughly in the middle between Frankfurt and Nuremberg (about an hour from each city). As a Franconian city you may choose your poison from hearty dishes, various beers and wine, everything not that far from eachother in the city with a population of 120,000.

Würzburg Germany Würzburg Germany Würzburg Germany


Dino’s annual preview 2023

Aha, so it's 2023, anything special coming up this year? Well, I'm turning 42 and as everyone knows, 42 is the answer to all questions! To all questions? At least to one question I have the answer: do I need more minis? No, not 42...

The Great Moderation is a concept that I have been following for several years now, where I limit my budget to 20,- € per month, with the goal to increase my painting output of existing miniatures and to limit the new purchases in my hobby. As it turned out, 240,- € per year is quite a lot if you already have a bunch of miniatures at home and the pile just grows and grows. For this reason, I plan to cut my budget again - ironically, my strategy has also found approval in the forum of the Tabletopwelt and a group project has emerged from it, so to speak, the not so anonymous round of addicted hobbyists, in which if possible no new purchases should be made. However, everyone receives 150, - € annual budget - for slip ups. This seems feasible to me, since I have everything here, within the projects I pursue

But before I move on to tackle one of the leftover projects, I want to paint the new acquisitions from last year first, because there is also a part remaining. In addition, I will set myself a fairly small annual goal in 2023, since my hobby time continues to melt due to my professional commitments.

Challenge Lot for 2023


Dino’s December 2022

As announced in November, I painted the last lineman of the humans for my Old World Alliance team. With that, half of a Blitz Bowl team is already done and I'm considering stepping on the gas again in January and paint the remaining three players so that the next time I'm at the club in Bedburg, I can field a completely painted team.

Blood Bowl - Community Team Blood Bowl - Community Team

As you can see, the players look much better with the decals, as it breaks up the large green areas better. While I think the contrast between the light and dark green is sufficient by now, the decals add a certain polish to the overall look.

Blood Bowl - Community Team Blood Bowl - Community Team


November 2021 review

Coverage this month was coined by mustering my British / Commonwealth troops for the North African campaign. I began with a bit of stock taking, to get a better view of what I had and what was missing, added the much needed transport and even covered one of my dearest topics, Beutefahrzeuge - in this case a 15 CWT with a 2cm Flak.

Bolt Action - 8th Army Motorpool Rubicon Models - Bedford Trucks Bolt Action - CMP 15 CWT with 2 cm Flak


Back from Swabia with Cars, Beers and Torpedo Boats

It was a bit quiet the last week, for multiple reasons. I was a bit under the weather and hope to be at full health soon, and we visited part of my wife's family in Southern Germany for the prolonged weekend (you know, German Unification, David Hasselhoff Memorial Day and so on).

Last weekend Daniel came by, we took a couple of pictures for the upcoming article and played a round of Cruel Seas. Something that I actually did multiple times this week and will cover in a seperate article. Fun, with some room for tweaks, but still very entertaining.

Cruel Seas - Battle Report Game 1