
Age of Sigmar – Realmscape Terrain

Part of the terrain items from the Stormbringer subscription (issue 55 to be exact) was a sprue of the Realmscape terrain from Age of Sigmar, in this case half of the Domicile Shell. This is meant to be part of the settlements, that the forces of order are building on new realms or reclaimed areas.

The sprues and other complementing pieces were used in various starter sets and expansions. This particular sprue came often with a variant B that would create a medium sized building in progress, along with two statues. We will see the statues in the Stormbringer subscription as well (in issue 65 and 74), but from my understand not the second wall sprue but another copy of this one in issue #69.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 69 Realmscape Domicile Shell Age of Sigmar - Realmscape Domicile

With this massive sprue, we can build an L or rather U-shaped ruin. It comes with quite some additional pieces to enhance the amount of detail and not just making it a flat ruin, but provide some depth. Casting is good, reasonable amount of detail and a lot of parts you can easily dry brush. The mould lines are present, but that is usually the case with the terrain due to the thickness of the parts.


Age of Sigmar Stormbringer – Warcry Stormcast Eternals Warband

I haven't updated this in quite some time, at least not written about it and I like to catch up on this. I started buildin a skirmish warband with the Stormcast Eternals from the Stormbringer subscription, mostly for Warcry, but not exclusively.

Age of Sigmar - Warcry Stormcast Eternals Age of Sigmar - Warcry Stormcast Eternals

Anyhow, I was able to get the Stormcasts primed with Army Painter Colour Primer Dragon Red and some further base colours during a bit of mutual hobby time with other Wargaming Daddies. Never painted something red, so this was a novelty for me, but I think it is a great base colour and contrast to the regular golden boys.


WarCry – Gloomspite Gitz Part 5

If you started your Hachette subscription last year, you also received the Stabba Grot in the first delivery, which also happens to be the cheapest model in WarCry, at least if you play greenskins. As he just about fitted into my line-up and I kind of liked the model, he saw some paint soon.

WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 5 WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 5


WarCry – Gloomspite Gitz Part 4

It's been a while since I've painted Squigs, and since I got Zarbag's Gitz from Dennis' Hachette subscription, I had the opportunity to paint the new incarnation of red bouncy ones for the first time.

Play-wise, they make the most sense when there's a horder in the warband that can give them a movement bonus. Otherwise, Squigs play exactly as I expected, they are real glass cannons. They can make a difference in attack, but one cough is enough and they're off the table too.

WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 4 WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 4

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WarCry – Gloomspite Gitz Part 3

I've been busy and am doing my best to have the warband painted by the end of the month. Not at least because I want to play a few games with it on the weekend of the Maltreff 2024. As I already knew the setup of my warband, it was just a matter of dividing it up into easy-to-paint chunks. I always find it difficult to paint several minis at the same time, as I paint the same colors for too long and quickly get bored. This is particularly the case with large models.

So I started with an easier task, the archers. I built one from the regiment box and the other from the Zarbag's Gitz box. I will paint this Underworlds warband completely at some point, as the models are really nice.

 WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 3 WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 3


Age of Sigmar Warcry – Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant

When you have subscribed to the Stormbringer magazine series, there are here and there optional bonus miniatures that you can pick up at a heavy discount. For example this Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 20 to 25 Premium Content Ogor Mawtribe Tyrant Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 20 to 25 Premium Content Ogor Mawtribe Tyrant

This came a bit as a surprise, for two reasons. For one you have to opt out if you don't want to receive this model, but as it was a third of the regular RRP, I could live with that and I wasn't aware that this was a plastic kit, as I thought this model was one of the finecast characters among the Ogor Mawtribe range.


WarCry – Gloomspite Gitz Part 2

Last time I showed two Gloomspite Gitz with spears that I can most likely use somehow in any lineup. This time it's the Loonboss's turn.

WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Loonboss WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Loonboss

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Warcry – Briar and Bone

It is time to take a look upon the next Warcry boxed set, Briar and Bone. It was previewed on Adepticon in March of this year, and is a new set with two warbands and a larger piece of terrain, picking up the Gnarlwood theme again.

Warcry - Briar and Bone Warcry - Briar and Bone

In our last review, Hunter and Hunted, a Gorger Mawpack and Wildercorps Hunters fought each other, in Briar and Bone it is the Sylvaneth and Ossiarch Bonereapers, who are the opposing forces.


WarCry – Gloomspite Gitz Part 1

It's been a while since I tried my hand at a WarCry project. I've actually had several attempts, but I always ran out of steam halfway through, which was partly due to the constellation of the warbands I chose.

Since we arranged a cooperation with Stormbringer magazine, which is distributed by Hachette, at the beginning of the year, the idea of using the contents to set up a WarCry warband or two came up at the same time.

WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 1 WarCry - Gloomspite Gitz Part 1

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Age of Sigmar – Stormcast Eternals Annihilators

I grabbed these Annihilators as a reinforcement for the Warcry Stormcast Eternals Warband, that I built from the Stormbringer subscription. While I was looking, if I could get the push-fit ones from Dominion, the price of the proper multi-part kit was so close, that I went for the "real deal".

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Annihilators Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Annihilators

These are like I said, the multi-part not push-fit from Dominion (picture on the left), and you get a box with three sprues, options for having them either wield a two-handed hammer or hammer and shield, along with three round bases and an instruction leaflet including the warscroll. The price of these is 45 EUR RRP, but I managed to pick them up at a sale for 27 EURs.