Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung Koblenz Pt I
This weekend was the "Long Night of Museums 2013" and i took the camera with me on my trip through the city.
Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung Koblenz Pt III
And the final part, a view along the higher floors of the WTS, where they stored the rifles, radio equipment and heavy military equipment.
Yellow … flakes?
As promised, the next layer of colour on the tanks. Its Vallejo RAL Dunkelgelb as Surface Primer. You could spray it right onto the tank, but i prefer doing it on top of a primer.
T(h)ank you …
As promised, after the camo netting dried, the tanks got their primer. I was asked, how did you do the camo netting? I used some old gauze bandages and tissue paper (the center area of the tissue without the structure). You simply cut it into the right size, dip it into a mixture of pva and water, wipe off excessive amounts of the pva-water-mixture and bring it into position. As the material soaks full with the mixture and later on dries nearly rock hard, it can be used for gaming purposes without any problems.
Tanks and Airbrush
After cleaning the resin tanks from the release agent with a warm soap bath and an old toothbrush, they were ready to get painted.
First time the tamiya painting stand got used, and i find it pretty usefull. All of the tanks got a solid black primer from the army painter cans. And afterwards a zenital lighting / white dusting.
Tinnelton Pattern Chimera
One or the other of you may have already read the review. I reviewed the Tinnelton Tank Turret from Anarchy Models and i am pretty amazed by the kit.
So inspired by the kit, i got myself a chimera kit and converted it. Primary i shortened the upper part and moved the turret location back.