Bolt Action Campaign Case Blue
The next supplement for Bolt Action is on our table - Campaign Case Blue, covering the summer offensive into the southern region of the Ostfront.
Campaign Case Blue was released in late October 2023, much early than initially anticipated. As the communicated release date was January 9th of 2024. Along with Campaign Stalingrad and Road to Berlin this book completes the coverage on the Eastern Front even further.
Bolt Action Campaign Italy – Tough Gut
We cover the second part of the Italian campaign today and move on from the Soft Underbelly towards the Tough Guts.
Almost a year after the first book, Campaign Italy: Tough Gut was released in August 2023, expanding the possibilities for the Italian forces even more. The first book covered the activities until Ortena in December 1943 and we pick it up again in the second supplement in January 1944 with their move further towards Rome through Cassino, until June 1944.
Warcry – Hunter and Hunted
This weekend WarCry receives a larger update, covering a terrain set Ravaged Lands: Scales of Talaxis, two warbands and a new supplement Hunter and Hunted. And this supplement will be covered today.
With Hunter and Hunted we move within the Gnarlwoods into a part, where we find new Seraphon relics, and two new warbands, Gorger Mawpack and Wildercorps Hunters, fight each other. Please note, this is not a stand-alone, you need either one of the starter boxes (or at least the rulebook) to be able to make use of this boxed set.
This boxed set has a RRP of 105 EURs, covers a thin campaign booklet, instructions, a card deck, a large sprue for the terrain and two sets of a pair of medium sprues for each of the warbands.
Adeptus Titanicus – Campaign Compendium
After the latest addition to the game, including Gravation Beamer weaponry for various titan classes, a "new" book is up for pre-order - the Adeptus Titanicus Campaign Compendium.
A quick heads up. This is a book review. We don't do meta-discussion on Chaosbunker. We will cover what is covered in the campaign supplement and what is not. Games Workshop offers this proper 224-page hardcover for 50 EURs with the following description.
Bolt Action Campaign Italy – Soft Underbelly
The Bolt Action campaign content about Italy was spread across two campaign books, Soft Underbelly, which we will cover today and Tough Gut, which will be available in the next months.
Campaign Italy: Soft Underbelly was released in autumn 2022, accompanied with a first wave of updated miniatures (incl. plastics) for the Italian forces. The 176 pages cover the first major operation of the Western Allies, moving forward from North Africa towards South Europe / Italy, with Operation Husky via Sicily onto the Italian Peninsula towards Rome. As for the Mediterranean campaign, this is chronologically the book after The Western Desert.
Necromunda – Outlanders Stock
I went over my Necromunda Underhive stock and did an update to the 2021 article, as I managed to complete large part of the collection, extending into the Outlanders supplement as well as beyond. From the core collection, I'm only missing a single Goliath ganger and I'd like to share the status quo of the extended Underhive collection.
Just to bring you up to date, a brief repetition from the last article: What is Necromunda about? It is a 28mm skirmish between the street gangs of the bigger Houses on the planet Necromunda, fighting over supply contracts, mines and facilities. And all that in the underground of a megacity (so very 2000 AD) in the Warhammer 40.000 universe. With the character / gang development it even included a narrative part, to tell the story of your own gang, with all the ups and downs that belong to it. And that narrative part is simply the cherry on top of that old school goodness.
Horus Heresy – Liber Hereticus
The second supplement for the new Horus Heresy covers the Traitor Legions and is called Liber Hereticus, and provides the same information as the Liber Astartes does for the loyal legion for those who follow the Warmaster Horus.
Each of the legion books is 55 EURs and more than 300 pages thick. They are produced as full coloured hard cover, with thick paper and even a cloth bookmark. And this review on the Liber Heretics is going to give you a similar deep dive, as we did earlier on the Liber Astartes.
Horus Heresy – Liber Astartes
In addition with the update Horus Heresy rule set (currently not available on its own, just as part of the Age of Darkness set) Games Workshop released two large supplements, covering the army lists for the loyalist and traitor Space Marine Legions.
Each book is 55 EURs and more than 300 pages thick. Manufactured as a hard cover in full colour, with thick paper and even a cloth bookmark. We're going to look into these separately, beginning with the Liber Astartes. The book for the Space Marine Legions loyal to the Emperor.
Bolt Action Campaign D-Day US Sectors
In early 2021 Warlord Games picked up D-Day again and supplementing D-Day British and Canadian sectors campaign book with the US Sectors.
With 160 pages and a RRP of 20 GBP (roughly 25 EUR) Campaign D-Day: US Sectors marks the third and final instalment of Warlord Games D-Day trilogy. While the British and Commonwealth forces landed in Gold, Sword and Juno pushed towards Caen, the US Americans did so on the beaches Omaha and Utah and moved towards west and south from there, beginning with Carentan and further liberating the coast line and attacking armed forces along the Atlantikwall. The US-Sector book covers the actions of the US forces in the summer after D-Day, until August / September 1944.
Bolt Action Campaign D-Day British & Canadian Sectors
Warlord started the deep dive on D-Day with the campaign supplement of the same name - D-Day Overlord. But that is not all, the sectors receive more love, starting with the British & Canadian Sectors in this supplement and the US sectors in the next one, already released by the time this review went online.
Both, the British & Canadian and US D-Day sector books close the gap between the landing and the further actions around the Battle of the Bulge and Operation Market Garden. Because even after the successful landing in Normandy, the further operations were intense tasks, to bring in more troops, defeat counter attacks and fortify the bridgehead in Northern France.