
Chaosbunker Daddies – Sport is a killer! Block 2

It is August and the second block of the Summer Project is underway. As announced at the beginning I will dedicate myself to the halflings.

Sport ist Mord! Das Sommerprojekt


Azande! – Fresh back from the vacation

In fact, contrary to my expectations, I got my 6 models ready and staged well ahead of time.


Chaosbunker Daddies – Sport is a killer! Block 1

It took me exactly 29 days and therefore I am the slowest of the four Chaosbunker Daddies, but the first block is completed!

Sport ist Mord! Das Sommerprojekt


Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part XI

The third and final block of the summer project overs two Bestigors, a Minotaurus, the Beastmen Chieftain and two bonus Nurgle Ungors, that I already prepared in the last update of Hooves and Fur.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd


A miniature Odyssey – Block 1? Done!

A month has passed and I am really happy that I managed to finish the first block for the Summer Project before the time ran out. Skeletons are a bit unspectacular themselves, so there is not much to tell about them despite the successful completion of this stage.

A miniature Odyssey – Block 1? Done!


Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part X

I have finished the first and second block of Hooves and Fur, and now going for the third and final batch of beastmen.

As the scope of the warband was defined and set to 16 miniatures, I need two more to tackle the summer project challenge of 18 miniatures in 3 months. So set this project into perspective, the beastmen are the undivided part of my greater Realm of Chaos project, which covers a mixed warband for each of the four chaos gods. Mixed meaning, not only covering chaos warriors, but all kinds of servants of the dark gods. Unfortunately there are only a few proper banner men for the mortal chaos, so I had to be creative about this.

And I thought, that two ungors would be a good fit for the Nurgle warband, as a banner bearer and musician. But I couldn't keep them like this. So after preparing the miniatures, taking care of the mould lines and putting them on a base, I went on to prepare a conversion.

Realm of Chaos - Nurgle Ungors Realm of Chaos - Nurgle Ungors Realm of Chaos - Nurgle Ungors


Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part IX

The bases are done, the shields glued to the ungor skirmishers - I can call block #2 for the summer project ready and done! Another 6 beastmen for the Hooves and Fur warband finished.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd


Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part VIII

Back on topic with Hooves and Fur. The wash has dried and so I can add the highlights and further shades and details on to the beastmen herd.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd Realm of Chaos - Brayherd


Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part VII

After finishing block 1 of 6 regular beastmen incl. a champion, I can start with the second block for the summer project - a challenge of painting 18 miniatures in 3 months, in blocks of 6.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

So for block 2 I went with 4 ungors and two characters, another champion and a shaman. If you're wondering for the rather random assortment and the round bases. I talked about that in the very first article about Hooves and Fur. These are not meant for Warhammer, but for some smaller skirmishes and thus I just need some named models and a few different types of warriors.


Realm of Chaos – Hooves and Fur Part VI

Block #1 for the summer project is ready and done! The first 6 beastmen of the Hooves and Fur warband are done.

Realm of Chaos - Brayherd

I finished the shields in a very worn down look, gave the long fur / hair a final highlight with Army Painter Necrotic Flesh WP1108 and added flock to the bases, with Army Painter Battlefields Steppengrass.