Age of Sigmar Stormbringer – What’s next?
In case you're starting collecting Age of Sigmar miniatures with the Stormbringer magazine series, either by buying individual issues or being a subscriber, it'll take a few months until you have enough for a full scale match of Age of Sigmar. So what to do in the meantime?
First of all, the magazines cover some rules for an entry level gaming experience, and that's - especially for newcomers - a reasonable way to start with. But if you're already familiar with wargaming that might just not be enough for the beginning. Obviously, as you are not restricted to the content of the magazines, you can just drop by your local gaming store (Warhammer or independent) and pick up some more miniatures, like a Start Collecting or Vanguard box.
Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine
Hachette and Games Workshop teamed up for the fourth time and now it is time for the release of STORMBRINGER in Germany.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, it is a collection series of magazines, that include a set of miniatures which each issue (in some cases paints instead) and Stormbringer is the latest instalment of this format.
Warhammer Underworlds – 2023 Starter Set
We are currently in the 8th season of Warhammer Underworlds and Games Workshop released an upgrade on the generic starter set, which is not only available through the usual sales channels but book stores and so on.
On this blog, we covered the majority of the first three season of Warhammer Underworld (Shadespire, Nightvault and Beastgrave) and you will find in-depth coverage on the starter kits and supplements / warbands. But first of all, let's bring you up to speed.
What is Warhammer Underworlds?
Back in 2017 Games Workshop released the Underworlds series as a tactical miniature board game. A product with a lower entry barrier, much smaller in size and number of miniatures as the regular wargames and even their board games, for example Warhammer Quest: Silvertower. Underworlds is played in an ancient and damned city, between the realms of Light and Shadow, in the new post-Old World Warhammer Setting (with the narrative progressing into further areas of the realms), as an "arena game" using two hex field boards with matches taking around 30-45 minutes. Everything you need for your games is included, with the push fit (means no glue needed) pre-coloured plastic models and you only need a cutter to prepare the game.
Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – The Farstriders
The last of the warband supplements for Warhammer Underworlds Season 1 Shadespire in a review will be the Farstriders. We had Magore's Fiends early this week. Similar as the Fiends picked up the Khorne theme from the starter kit, the Farstriders pick up with the Stormcast Eternals from the same set.
The Farstriders are the first warband to actually cover shooting / ranged combat in Warhammer Underworlds. But they won't be the last to do so, for sure. Actually as the Farstriders are Vanguard-Hunters, the next Stormcasts that are part of the Season 2 starter set Nightvault will introduce Evocators as a warband and magic as a new component.
But let us take a look what the Vanguard-Hunters around Hunter-Prime Sanson Farstrider bring to the table. As a highly trained, elite group of warriors, it is no surprise that they are only three men strong. Priced at the usual 22.50 EUR for an Underworlds warband supplement or 20.00 EUR for the easy-to-build box without the cards. The Underworlds box covers two pre-coloured bright blue sprues, a deck of cards and an assembly leaflet.