
BLOOD BOWL – Journey of the Maulers: Wanderleagues

As the third lineplayer paintwise doesn't offer anything new compared to the other two, I'll talk a bit about my Wanderleague system today, but more about that in a moment. I've tried a little something on Gorhuk the Smelly. On the one hand, I'm just starting to love the color scheme of keeping the clothes completely in black and the armor in yellow, on the other hand I wanted to do something new and tried painting the logo on the side of the helmet, just to see how it would look. That turned out pretty well so far and I think the other players will get the team logo painted onto the side of their helmets as well over the course of time.

BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers


BLOOD BOWL – Journey of the Maulers: Old Blood

The team's four Blitzers all have an individual history and when I looked through the old background snippets some time ago, I just realized how much character the most offensive part of the team had.

Borag Oldblood is the team's oldest player and by the way, the only remaining player of the original squad, long before the Maulers rose to fame for the first time. All other players have since been replaced by better ones, traded in favor of more lucrative contracts on the transfer market, or have simply died in the course of their careers.

BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers


Necromunda Re-Release

Last Sunday, shortly after I finished the coverage on my visit to the Lord of the Rings Hobbiton Movie Set, the first info from Forge World Open Day trinkled in. And it was quite hot news. The first guests in the line were handed flyers covering the artwork below, announcing the rerelease of Necromunda!

Necromunda Underhive Forge World Open Day Necromunda Flyer


Thoughts on Specialist Games revival

The rumours are spreading and growing wild, so far only one thing was confirmed - Games Workshop is re-founding a studio for the Specialist Games.

Is this a reason to get exited? Yes and no. Why both answers? It depends on what you are looking for.