
Journey of the Maulers – Small progress, big impact

Fiiiiinally! The last blackorc of the team is painted and even if it's just another mini, to me this is a big step forward! The blackorc squad is now complete and the point where I failed in my first attempt to paint up the team has been overcome.

Ulag Elfbita - biting Elves can lead to a certain reputation

Journey of the Maulers - Ulag Elfbita


Journey of the Maulers – Creating character

Those who have followed the previous articles of the Journey of the Maulers series will have noticed that I value the characterisation of the minis a lot, both visually and narratively. I'm following a relatively simple scheme, but it's based on a lot of prior consideration. When I write a story for one of the players, I try to keep it as compact as possible. Just describing the framework of the character makes sense for several reasons. On one hand, the reader has the possibility to fill the gaps with his own imagination and perception, on the other hand, you have the possibility to extend the background over time to your liking.

Journey of the Maulers - Hacka Bellycutta Journey of the Maulers - Hacka Bellycutta


Journey of the Maulers: Strategic painting

Four. Only four models left. As I mentioned in the last article, this was the point where I failed the last time, because I simply ran out of motivation. Well, as you can see from this Blackorc, I was able to get my act together, thanks to the tips and support I received from the community. Reason enough to talk a little bit about it.

Journey of the Maulers - Golden Vultures vs. Mauler

Suggestion number 1 was to divide the painting into small bites and to invest half an hour or so during the day. This is generally a good idea and a strategy that I have followed before. The big advantage of this technique is that you can make good progress on boring areas, i.e. very large surfaces that have the same color or need several layers of base color, without getting bored because you sit at it for too long.


Journey of the Maulers: A legendary pun

For quite some time I wasn't sure whether I should repaint this gentleman or not. This thrower was the first conversion for the Maulers and also the test mini for the colour scheme. I remember sacrificing the figure of a classic savage orc shaman on boar to get the hand that points away from him - a typical quarterback movement in American Football.

Journey of the Maulers - Troi Orkman Journey of the Maulers - Troi Orkman


Journey of the Maulers: Forever Gabru

After I started to play my Wanderleague parallely to painting the remaining players, the presentation mode has also changed slightly. Besides the introduction of a new player I will also try to give some game summaries, give an update about the season and add some snapshots.

Journey of the Maulers - Gabru Kneebreaka

But first the next player: Gabru Kneebreaka is, as the name suggests, from the fanclub of da Kneebreakaz. The idea for it came before I even painted the fans. This Blitzer is a homage, a small thank you to all the faithful readers, who follow the project now already in the 15th article.


Journey of the Maulers: Blackorcs

Blackorcs are always a tricky one for me, because according to the fluff they have noticeably darker skin than other orcs. For the fans I painted one by using the same colors as in the tutorial for ordinary orcs, but this was a very, very time-consuming method and I was looking for a recipe that would allow me to keep the comic-like look and still achieve a visually appealing result. Meanwhile I think I found my recipe for it, as I also found a good base color in the Vallejo Game Color range: Dark Green. Dark Green is a little brighter than the classic Dark Angels Green by Games Workshop and can be highlighted relatively well with Bonewhite or shaded with a black wash.

Journey of the Maulers - Borr Eightkilla Journey of the Maulers - Kragg Ratmaula


BLOOD BOWL – Journey of the Maulers: Wanderleagues

As the third lineplayer paintwise doesn't offer anything new compared to the other two, I'll talk a bit about my Wanderleague system today, but more about that in a moment. I've tried a little something on Gorhuk the Smelly. On the one hand, I'm just starting to love the color scheme of keeping the clothes completely in black and the armor in yellow, on the other hand I wanted to do something new and tried painting the logo on the side of the helmet, just to see how it would look. That turned out pretty well so far and I think the other players will get the team logo painted onto the side of their helmets as well over the course of time.

BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers


BLOOD BOWL – Journey of the Maulers: Old Blood

The team's four Blitzers all have an individual history and when I looked through the old background snippets some time ago, I just realized how much character the most offensive part of the team had.

Borag Oldblood is the team's oldest player and by the way, the only remaining player of the original squad, long before the Maulers rose to fame for the first time. All other players have since been replaced by better ones, traded in favor of more lucrative contracts on the transfer market, or have simply died in the course of their careers.

BLOOD BOWL - Journey of the Maulers


Necromunda Re-Release

Last Sunday, shortly after I finished the coverage on my visit to the Lord of the Rings Hobbiton Movie Set, the first info from Forge World Open Day trinkled in. And it was quite hot news. The first guests in the line were handed flyers covering the artwork below, announcing the rerelease of Necromunda!

Necromunda Underhive Forge World Open Day Necromunda Flyer


Thoughts on Specialist Games revival

The rumours are spreading and growing wild, so far only one thing was confirmed - Games Workshop is re-founding a studio for the Specialist Games.

Is this a reason to get exited? Yes and no. Why both answers? It depends on what you are looking for.