Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 6
It is well known that the Hawks are made up of players from all parts of the Imperium and beyond. Hawke Forth originally came from the port city of Salzenmünd, the most important seaport in the Imperium. With a lot of Blood Bowl being played in Nordland in general, it was only a matter of time before Hawke's strong arm would eventually be noticed. His commitment to the local population was also a success - his initiative “Fans belong alongside” is committed to ensuring that even less wealthy fans can afford to attend a Blood Bowl match.
Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 5
Gareth was tired of constantly running in a drive wheel on a Reik's passenger ship. It was a low-paying, monotonous job. Ironically, the constant running was the basis of his fitness for being a Blood Bowl player.
On a trip along the Averland, he met the rebuilding Hawks. Without further ado, Gareth “the Express” Bosch signed up with the Hawks and started a new life. “The rest is history”, as they say.
Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 4
We continue with a small dedication for particularly active users in the course of the project, so let’s get straight to it:
Sir Thomas Dragonblade
As one of the oldest players of the Averland Hawks, Sir Thomas had already had a lot of life experience. In Zhufbar, under Captain Milluzson, he had discovered his passion for shipbuilding and later even ran a small shipyard in Averland. Unfortunately, the business literally went down the drain when his assistant Ms. Elfikova ran off with a large part of his profits. As it turned out, she had used the money to build a ship stadium for her own team, the Karond Kar Sharks!
Blood Bowl was the next logical step for Sir Thomas - the large sums paid out to players would get him back on his feet while he yearned to face Ms. Elfikova's team each season to exact revenge.
Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 3
After introducing the second lineman of the Averland Hawks last time, I continue today with the final one of the brave gentlemen at the center of the pitch.
Derek Jørgensøn
Even if a dwarf would never admit it, their people are close to humans. However, there are some popular exceptions where a dwarf is happy to admit to being friends with a human, such as Derek Jørgensøn. The former inventor has many ties to the Machinists' Guild and enjoys a good reputation there. Together with the dwarf Rae Crowson, is also developing training equipment for Blood Bowl players when he is not playing himself.
Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 2
Every team needs a few tough guys who can not only dish it out, but also take a few hits. Accordingly, today you get to see the second line player of the Averland Hawks, Yohann Schmied. He is based on an RPG character created by TTW forum user Deadly Dub, alias Hannes.
Yohann Schmied
The child of an Ostlander and a Norscan woman, Yohann grew up on the coast of Ostland in very rough conditions. He dreamed of one day following in his father's footsteps and taking over his forge, but spent far too much time in the taverns, where he often got into brawls along with his friends. It was during one such brawl that he caught the eye of one of the many Blood Bowl talent scouts. Still devoted to the craft of blacksmithing, Yohann now forges and maintains his own equipment for each match.
Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 1
As you can see, I've revamped my community project a bit and it's no longer titled Blood Bowl Community Team. But don't worry, the premise remains the same - I'll be immortalizing particularly active members of the community, or those who have simply been an enrichment to my personal hobby. I will tell the teams story bit by bit over the course of the project, based on the player descriptions as well as some of the games I have played. But I won't keep you waiting any longer. Here comes the first player!
Dierk von Evilstein
The name Evilstein evokes a certain awe in many players and fans. The efficiency of Engel von Evilstein’s weapons was only surpassed by the explosiveness of his loins, and so it's not surprising that wherever he competed in matches...he liked to deepen the relationship with his fans after the games.
It is not known how many offspring Engel has ultimately fathered. But Dierk “Judge” von Evilstein is in no way inferior to his father’s reputation on the pitch, despite his rather friendly nature. Only off the field does he show far more decency than his father did.
Blood Bowl – Treeman
To bring a little more variety to my Old World Alliance team and not just have a "human team with dwarves", I promptly acquired a treeman last year.
Battlefleet Gothic – The Fleets
There are three projects, that I'll take on with my 3d printer. Epic 30,000 was already introduced with my Imperial Fists, and Battlefleet Gothic so far only teased with the terrain article.
I have talked about it in my parking lot theory article, and I don't have any space battle games. I do have naval battles with Black Seas, and faster, skirmishes with Cruel Seas (both only covering the miniature range, not bound to the rule set) in my collection, but as I said, no sci-fi space battles. Of course, there are plenty on the market. There is Full Thrust by Ground Zero Games (a game with an incredible support in the German community), there was / is Firestorm Armada by Spartan Games (Warcradle picked it up again), Star Wars Armada (which I somehow count more like a board game) and is OOP from my point of view. And then ... there was Battlefleet Gothic in 1999 - introduced via White Dwarf and later released as an boxed game.
Blood Bowl Community Team – Part 1
"Apple groves as far as the eye can see." said <lineman 1>.
"What did you expect?" replied <thrower>. "Sauerapfel is known for that, after all. So stop grumbling, we'll get to more inhospitable places soon enough."
"Not to mention that we can't be picky at the moment anyway." Coach <name> intervened, clearly showing that his mood was dampened. His facial expressions were capable of filling entire books with descriptions of bad moods, and if the boys didn't know better, he could have been mistaken for a dwarf, about to collect his thoughts for an entry in the big Book of Grudges.
"We don't have the manpower!" he finally began and started talking himself into a rage, first quietly, then getting louder.
"We lack the match experience. We lack the money to compete in the better leagues. Hell, we lack just about everything to pass for a Blood Bowl team!".
Angrily, Coach <name> stood up and hurled a bucket that was sitting on the front deck of the ship. The vessel was a passenger ferry, with a large paddlewheel on the left and right sides of its hull keeping it in motion. The paddle wheels, in turn, gained their momentum from a so-called running crew, a couple of rather large guys who were constantly running faster or slower inside a smaller wheel that was located on the inside of the hull and connected to the outer wheel. The momentum of the throw carried the wooden bucket over the railing, causing the halfling, who was the captain of the ship, to shout loudly "That costs extra!" from the helm.
The ferry on the Reik now ran daily between the Moot and Averland. The area that passed from one county to the next was called the Aver Reach, and was worth passing through for many who were on their way to Zhufbar, the dwarven port city.
"Shove it!" yelled Coach <name>, flinging a gold coin he had hastily dug out of his pants at the halfling.
"I'd hire you as a player with that attitude to have the field teach you manners, but I can't even get rookies for those few pennies!" he spat after the captain.
"I'd do it," a voice suddenly sounded behind him.
The remaining players and Coach <name> turned around in surprise. It was one of the men from the running team who, while still running continuously in the wheel, had turned his head slightly and spoke to the team.
Another man sitting on a bench next to the wheel now stood up and walked to the wheel. He waved to the man who had just spoken and took his place as he left the wheel with an elegant leap.
"You want to play for Blood Bowl for the team?" laughed <lineman 1>, looking at the runner deprecatingly.
"At least I can move!" retorted <lineman 2>.
"That won't help you against a decent block either!" said <lineman 1> snarling, and even as he spoke he lashed out, intending to put a haymaker between <lineman 2>'s eyes.
The latter, however, dived and jammed his fist into the pit of <lineman 1>'s stomach with an uppercut, followed by a haymaker against the latter's chin. <lineman 1> slumped to the ground, battered prone.
"Like this?" asked <lineman 2>.
Coach <name> stepped closer.
"Tell you what, kid. If you can do that on the field, I'll give you free food and lodging, and if you can make it to the end of the season, I'll give you fifty."
"Fifty gold coins for just one year?" asked <lineman 2> in amazement.
An amused grin appeared on the faces of the other players.
"My boy," Coach <name> now said with an auspicious undertone "I'm talking about fifty thousand...!".
As you can see, the background story without names lacks a bit of bite - well, it wouldn't be hard for me to come up with some names, but actually there is a reason for the placeholders. Because here should be YOUR names, or at least a modified version of them.
At the beginning of the year I expressed my intention to keep more contact to the tabletop community. Since I would like to paint my stock slowly but surely, the idea came up to use one of the Blood Bowl teams, which have not yet been assembled in my house, for this project. No sooner said than done. In a vote the participants have decided for an Old World Alliance Team.
Dino’s July 2022
To say that July was hectic would be the understatement of the year. First of all, I lost my job, then within two weeks I found another, better one. In between, I tried to catch up on all the private stuff that was left behind during that time.
One could think now " That guy doesn't paint at all!". But against all expectations I even managed to paint more than in the previous months. The first mini has set a small milestone with its completion.