Afrikakorps and Conversions
Spend some time at the weekend with the airbrush. Preparing my Afrikakorps, which consists mostly of Rubicon vehicles and Perry infantry.
I started with Vallejo black primer. You can use it directly from the bottle, but i thin it down a bit never the less. You get a thinner coat with the airbrush, compared to the spray can. But it takes a bit longer. And it is a bit more matt finish. At the moment the motorized part of the Afrikakorps consists of an Tiger I, a Panzer III and IV, SdKfz 251 and Opel Blitz, with two more to come. The Greif and Kübelwagen aren't prepared yet and will follow in another batch.
Spiel 2015 – Part II
Next up, another regular at many shows, is the Fantasy Warehouse from Iserlohn.
Rubicon Panther Ausf. A/D + G
To sum this week up, an unboxing double pack, Panther Ausf. D / A and the Ausf. G by Rubicon Models.
Rubicon Panzer IV Ausf. F2/G/H
Next up is the Panzer IV, currently available by two companies in 28mm and today we are looking at Rubicon Models version.
Rubicon Tiger I Ausf. E
You can't talk about World War II tanks and not talk about the Tiger, probably the most famous tank of the era.
Panzers and Crusader
This update is lurking around since last sunday, pictures taken but no text. So sorry for the delay. I was busy building tanks and armoured vehicles last weekend. I prepared the latest kits from Warlord Games for Bolt Action, the new Panzer IV Ausf. F1/G/H and the SdKfz 234/2 Puma.
The Panzer IV is a great kit, improved a lot compared for example with the Sherman. I took the chance and build the DERP Tier 5 from World of Tanks Version, Panzer IV Ausf. H with 10,5 cm KwK L28. Fear my HE-Shells! I modified the Sideskirts, a bit tricky but i think worth the time.
Merry Christmas
Back for a last update before christmas.
I continued on building tanks, after converting the Shermans. So i got my hands on a Panther Ausf. A from Rubicon Models and a SdKfz 234 Puma from Warlord Games. I filled the large turret hole in the chassis with a renedra base and some putty. So what is the final product? It's a Aufklärungspanther, a fictional build that is known among others from World of Tanks. I have to be honest, the Ausf. A wasn't the best base for the conversion, if you want to do it, i'd suggest the Ausf. G.
Sherman, Sherman, Sherman
Welcome to december. I got back to the desk at the weekend. My model trees from china arrived (9 bags with ~ 10 trees each, 28 euro incl. shipping) and the matching Renedra Bases from Fantasyladen.
As i didn't want the trees to be exposed from the tabletop, i used the flat bases. The trees have to be coated with hairspray, so they don't loose that much foliage during handling. The second, a bit noisy, picture was a fast snap from my mobile phone, to show the scale with 28mm miniatures.