
Warhammer World 2023 – Exhibition Centre Part 2

After covering the Bugmans Bar and the fantasy parts of the exhibition, we move further into the Dark Future of Warhammer 40,000 and the Horus Heresy.

Games Workshop – Warhammer World Exhibition Centre

As mentioned in the first article, we've covered parts of the exhibition in the visits of 2018 (Warhammer Fantasy / Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy / Warhammer  40k) and 2020 (Warhammer Fantasy / Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy / Warhammer  40k), and will focus more on the novelties and some spotlights this time.


Oldhammer – An introduction

Nostalgy is something that many folks come across. Weither it is collecting old video game consoles from your youth, or the cars you grew up with (like your dad's/uncle's car or the super cars from the magazines). And this nostalgy is possible with wargaming as well. Of course, not only with the Warhammers and their sister games, but in this case Oldhammer is an actual thing.

And similar to oldtimers or other vintage (collecting) hobbies, the span is quite broad. Some goals are easier to reach than others. For example my brother-in-law gathering classic Nintendo entertainment systems along with the original games (and not going for emulators) is a bit easier, compared to actually buying the Ferrari F-40 or Lamborghini Countach that hanged as a poster on the wall of your children's room. But as I don't have the time or space to take on a project like my late uncle's E30 325i or the 100k EUR for an Schwimmwagen, I stick with the wargames from my youth. I did already talk about oldhammer in 2016, as part of the Sweetwater / Tactica contest.

BMW E30 325i Schwimmwagen Games Workshop Warhammer Store Darmstadt


Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team – Rogue Trader Expansion

Similar to the Nurgle Rotters, this box was "revealed" at Warhammer Fest Europe as well, the Rogue Trader Expansion for Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Rogue Trader Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Rogue Trader

Earlier this year, there was a teaser about Rogue Trader coming back. This was before Kill Team was officially announced, therefore it is important to clarify the expectations on this boxed set and what it contains.

Rogue Trader is an expansion for Kill Team, you will need either the Kill Team rulebook or the Kill Team boxed set, so fully use the content of this box. It is not a stand-alone. The price of this boxed set is 105 EUR and it is basically two Kill Team forces and a new Kill Zone with its own rules.


Star Wars – Rogue (Trader) One

As it has been a week since the release of Rogue One in the cinema, it seems like a fair point of time to talk about the movie without spoiling anybody or wasting their experience.

Rogue One - A Star Wars Story
Image: © Lucasfilm Ltd


Pinterest: Lead Plague, Back of Beyond and Panzerserra

Last few days until christmas, and i want to show some really special blogs from my pinterest board. I hope you guys liked the advent calender so far, and a ready to spend some time with your family and friends, have a rest, and maybe enjoy a game and a cold pint.

First pick is from France, Lead Plague. A pretty cool old school project log, about Rogue Trader and Oldhammer. Some original vintage miniatures, along with conversions of newer ones to fit in with the old vibe. Enjoy the nostalgy.

Lead plague

Lead plague Lead plague Lead plague