9th Rhein Main Multiversum 2023
Hessen is calling! The 9th Rhein Main Multiversum was hosted by the Tabletop Club Rhein-Main in Nidderau.
The Multiversum is back, with traders and at a new location. The venue was moved from the Willi-Salzmann Halle to the Kultur- und Sporthalle Heldenbergen within the same city, but different districts. This venue is part of a small shopping park, which meant that not only parking was available abundant, but discounters and drink cash & carry were nearby as well.
8th Rhein Main Multiversum 2022
Nidderau is back on the schedule! This weekend (we've been there yesterday) the Tabletop Club Rhein-Main hosted once again after a break the 8th Rhein Main Multiversum.
This time, due to the circumstances, the Rhein Main Multiversum was not as a convention but as an open gaming weekend (so without traders) to accomodate any (possible) restrictions and so on.
Prelude to Rhein Main Multiversum 2022
The Rhein-Main-Multiversum returns in September 2022 after a two year break.
7th Rhein Main Multiversum 2019
Due to the so-so weather, I didn't take the scenic route through the Taunus towards Nidderau, just north-east of Frankfurt, but the Autobahn. Because once again and for the 7th time, the Tabletop Club Rhein-Main hosted their Rhein-Main Multiversum at the Willi-Salzmann hall during the whole weekend.
Prelude to Rhein Main Multiversum 2019
This weekend, on saturday and sunday, April 27th and 28th 2019, the Rhein-Main-Multiversum will be held at Nidderau.
6th Rhein Main Multiversum 2018
Last week I received the invitation by the Martin from Tabletop Club Rhein-Main to join their Rhein-Main Multiversum in Nidderau, Hessia. So I jumped in my car and drove across the Taunus towards the Wetterau, amazing weather with blue sky and bright sun to enjoy in the meantime.
The Rhein-Main Multiversum is held in the Willi-Salzmann hall and the TC Rhein Main offered two tournaments and a couple of participation rounds, with the support of neighbour wargaming clubs, among others Ad Arma and the Asgard Aschaffenburg.