Warhammer 40,000 – Forge World Imperial Sandbag Bunker
In addition to the Taros Underground Entrance I picked up the Imperial Sandbag Bunker a while back. They go for insane prices on eBay, but I managed to get it at a reasonable rate through one of the Bitbox events quite some time ago.
The article code was TR-40K-S-030 and was sold forĀ 20 GBP / 34 EUR when available around 2006. The model was designed by Tim Adcock, who designed the Falcon and first 28mm scale Thunderhawk.
Warhammer 40,000 – Forge World Taros Underground Entrance
A blast from the past - a Forge World item from 2006 that I picked up a long time ago, but for a bit more than the original RRP of 16 GBP. Nowadays you would have to pay somewhere between 55 to 130 EUR on eBay to get your hands on one of these.
As it is so rare, I thought I would take some measurements. Just in case some of you want to scratch build this thing. Due to its bulky and non-organic structure, this should be within realistic limits. The grid of my cutting mat is 1 cm each.
Warmaster – Small Settlements to fight over
We are talking about Warmaster again and after printing a whole week of tiny skeletons, I wanted to add some terrain to the table. While I have generic terrain like hills and trees, I thought about a small town or settlement, that could be used as a point of interest or scenario objective.
Not everything, but a lot of terrain can be scaled down to 40% to fit Warmaster, and as I wanted to have a small settlement, that could be used with Bretonnians as well as Undeads, I searched for some more rugged, run-down buildings, that could house either rather poor peasants or corrupted minions of the undead. And the Slum huts by Infinite Dimenions Games would be perfect for that!
Initially I intended to print the shacks A, B, C and the Slum Tenement A, but the last one would take 5 (!) print plates on my printer, so I decided to just go for the three shacks, and as you can see above, these already provide a bit of a foot print.
Warmaster – Tomb Kings of Khemri
What is a perfect way to motivate yourself beside deadlines? Having somebody else join your project / play the same games. So I managed to fire up Florian / Celebration Parallax about Warmaster and he chose the Tomb Kings of Khemri.
Not a bad fit, as that would create the Bretonnia vs. Khemri setup from the Old World Release, we could do a bit of crusading and it would certainly not feel like a mirror match.
Beside that, due to their design, painting them in 10mm shouldn't be the hardest thing, as you could probably easily do a lot already with a coloured primer, midtone wash and a bit of dry-brushing. For those of you, who don't know the Tomg Kings of Khemri, they are egyptian themed undead within the Warhammer World, using a lot of elements of the era, like Sphinxes or Chariots.
Road to CONflict – Part VII
You could see my progress on the tanks in the last article, Road to CONflict - Part VI, and now we were on the final steps just days away from CONflict 2024. In part IV I gave you the overview on the terrain files I printed for our demo table.
Grabbed a variety of green tones to paint the base colours, and moved on to the further scatter terrain and mines.
GrimDarkTerrain – Imperial Palace Ruins
What a journey GrimDarkTerrain has taken. Back in 2019 I stumbled upon an instagram post, and now 4 years later there is a full range of STL files to choose from. The entire range was designed with Adeptus Titanicus in mind, and we had multiple buildings in use during our Battle for Uulda campaign weekend.
But with the release of Legions Imperialis, the releases of September, October and December 2023 are very interesting and deserve a closer look. Especially after we pointed out, what we need for a start.
GrimDarkTerrain has various ranges, the Imperial Palace is really self explaining, with Aeolus for air fields, Ares for fortifications, Argos for bunkers and turrets, Mytelene for fortresses, Olympus Mons for Mechanicum terrain and Pyraeus for supply and infrastructure.
Legions Imperialis – Adeptus Titanicus
The core rules of Legions Imperialis give you the option to include most, if not all, available options from the Collegio Titanica for your armies as strategic assets. A lot of people were afraid, that Adeptus Titanicus would fall to the same fate as Aeronautica Imperialis did, but not to worry, the magnificent plastic kits are just repacked, as you will have noticed by now from the Pre-Order and from the inlay in the new core set.
You can still buy the Adeptus Titanicus core set (covering 2 reavers and 2 warhounds, along with the rulebook) and with the addition of the Campaign Compendium and one of the allegiance books (Traitor or Loyalist) you would - rulewise - have everything to play Titanicus. I recommend the addition of one of the maniple boxed sets, but more on the below.
Bolt Action A34 Comet Cruiser Tank
We've covered the lighter Cromwell tank before (the resin kit in 2013 and the plastic kit in 2014 - only in German), and we're following up on this class of British tanks, with another draft from 2018's backlog we're completing today - the A34 Comet Cruiser Tank.
My attention to the Comet Cruiser tank came from World of Tanks, as I really enjoyed playing the Tier VII medium tank back then. So, when Warlord Games added the kit to their range, I just had to have and now want to share the build report / review with a bit of delay with you.
Bolt Action Bishop Self Propelled Gun
We covered a few self-propelled guns in the past, and some that didn't make it to tank week, just like this Bishop QF 25 pdr SPG. But today is his day and we cover him in a review.
This is a 28mm resin kit by Warlord Games with a RRP of 31,50 GBP / 38 EUR. It is listed as a made to order kit, which does not mean he is mail order exclusive, but just something that is less likely to be on stock and is casted once ordered. Your local gaming store can order them in and it might not come in a boxed set with printed artwork, but a neutral packaging. As I had this kit for a long time (and this review is in draft since 2018), mine came wrapped in bubble wrap with a sticker on it.
HarrowHyrst – Forest Wyrm
In addition to the Treeman and Griffin, I just had to have the Forest Wyrm when Trish announced it. He has a name, Quercus, and is called either Forest Dragon or Wyrm. Yet, per definition of "dragonoids", he would count as a Drake (four legs, no wings), not a Dragon (four legs and two wings) or a Wyrm (giant serpent, no legs, no wings).
Quercus is a multipart resin kit with a 100 x 50 mm laser cut mdf base. Very clean cast, various casting aids from little stubs to rods, but no air bubbles and minor flash.
Quercus consists out of four parts, Head, front legs, body with right leg and tail with left leg. The casting aids are well placed, so that you can remove them without causing damage to the model or sculpted areas.