
Renedra – Mudbrick House

This review about the Mud-Brick House by Renedra, that I thought I already published (you could see it in my review on the sandbags), got lost somewhere in the past. I wanted to refer it in the upcoming review on the two-storey houses, but after not finding the review I realized, that I took the pictures, edited them and so on, but never wrote the actual article. Anyhow, I think it still generates value to talk about this kit, especially with a further terrain sets by Renedra, picking up the middle eastern theme.

Renedra - Mudbrick House Renedra - Mudbrick House Renedra - Mudbrick House


Fences for my Rohan town

We've added barrels and crates to the fantasy town, what's next? A bit of fencing! Along with the barrels, I ordered the palisade fencing at Renedra.

Renedra - Barrels and Fence Renedra - Fence Renedra - Fence

Each bag comes with two sprues, with 4 piece of fence and 5 posts. They are 5 GBP per double-pack of sprues.


Adding bits and items to the Rohan settlement

We continue to add matching bits and kits to the Rohan settlement, after looking into the outbuildings by Renedra, a few goods and trade items would be an interesting idea to follow up.

Renedra - Barrels and Fence

As the Rohan House comes with barrels, a few more of these came to mind - and Renedra has that covered as well. They come in two different sizes, can be bought separated by size or in mixed sets. They are casted in brown plastic, so if you're a bit lazy, simply giving them a drybrush and wash would get you something ready-to-play. A mixed set of 5 large and 5 small barrels will cost you around 3,50 GBP.


The Rohan settlement grows even further

One of the first kits that came to my mind to extend the settlement were the outhouses by Renedra.

Renedra - Outbuildings

The outhouses / outbuildings are available in multiple variants, like wattle/daub, timber and stone. I wanted to show you the wattle and timber one, but had a mix-up in the other, so the wattle/timber will take its place.


Skype Sessions, Nuremberg and the weekend

The intention to meet up (virtually) for a painting session did work quite well this week, with 6 participants in total.

Skype - Malkränzchen

As we're not living close to each other, but spread all over the country, a virtual meet up is a welcome solution. Even if we were closer, due to many of being dads, we're more flexible this way to take a break or so. We did use Skype, but other options would be Discord or Facetime (if you're a pure apple crowd).


Gripping Beast Late Roman Infantry

While most associate Gripping Beast with their SAGA success story and most recently the release of Swordpoint, they presented the latest SAGA supplement Aetius & Arthur in late November. A matching plastic kit was released earlier this year, the Late Roman Infantry.

Gripping Beast - Late Roman Infantry


Renedra Sandbags

Renedra covers quite a lot terrain plastic kits nowadays and among them is an accessoire sprue with sandbags. These come in single or double pack for 5 / 8 GBP.

Renedra - Sandbags Renedra - Sandbags


2014 or Hetzers gonna hetz

Welcome to the new year and a rather bold start with some painted miniatures. Let's start with some terrain, i did first colors on the lovely Renedra Shed. It's amazing to see how good drybrushing works on these kits. That is just black primer with 3 different drybrushs (different colors for the roof and planks).

Renedra Old Shed