Converting the Middle East Houses
A while back I've covered the Middle Eastern Houses in a review, and with a second box of these, I began tinkering. A bit of cutting, a bit of filling and re-arranging.
The first batch looked like this, incl. the general mud house available from Renedra as well.
So I grabbed myself the stack of sprues, and played around a bit.
January 2022 review
Oh boy, we've already made it past the first month. That went quickly and it feels like march is already in reach.
January was pretty dominated on Blood Bowl - and I love it.
Thanks to Radaddel for the quick delivery. I stocked up on supplies, only to have the first brush mess up after only 30 seconds. I basically only removed the tube, dipped it in the paint and - bam - the bristle is standing off.
Dino’s annual preview 2022
New year, new luck! That's my wish for the year 2022, which unfortunately still stands under the ominous star of the Corona pandemic. But let's assume that by some miracle the almighty and wise governments of this world have found a solution to the problem, what is then on the program for 2022 in terms of hobby?
Well, first of all, I'd like to write the last article of the first season of The Journey of the Maulers - I actually played the game back in December 2020. Admittedly, that's not quite up to date, but for me the conclusion of the first season just feels more rounded that way.
Dino’s annual review 2021
Adios 2021! Finally the year is over and as usual in the Bunker, we take the time and ponder a little about the events of the past year. Of course, I could make it easy for myself now and say "Burn in hell 2021!", but despite many lows, there were definitely also pleasant highs.
And so the year got off to a pretty good start when I was able to add a group of painted zombies to my Army of Hades in January and finally bring it up to 300 points in February.
Twelve months, 20,- Euro Part 9
Slowly the warm time of the year, and with it the hobby summer hole, is coming to an end. In fact, with falling temperatures, I have begun to pick up speed again. The children sleep much better when it's not that hot, and occasionally I get an evening out of it too. So I have, despite a long dragged along flu, finally painted something up again:
September 2021 review
Sum up comes a bit early, but as I'm on vacation from today on, that's how it is going to be.
I am heading back to Northern Spain, for some family time. Last trip to Cantabria was 2016, and I covered Covadonga, MUPAC - Museum of Prehistory and Archaeology of Cantabria among others while I was there. This time will be more R&R, but I still hope to cover things like Castillo de Argueso, Corrales de Buelna and Comillas.
Twelve months, 20,- Euros – Part 6
Kamoley, half a year has already passed! If the second half of the year is also coming up so fast, I really need to get busy to finish my Mortal Gods project this year.
Admittedly, this is difficult for me at the moment. No, that's not because of my motivation, in fact it's quite strong at the moment. However, my family's demand for time with dad is high right now, which is absolutely fine since I enjoy spending time with my kids very much, but the hobby therefore has to take a back seat for a while.
This is reflected in my painting output this month - three models have received a touch of color and perhaps this shows another reason for my poor progress - there are three models from three different systems. So the realization matures that you also need a certain discipline in the hobby and have to stick to one thing until you have at least one milestone completed.
Twelve months, 20,- Euros – Part 4
The good news first: I found a new job and am more relaxed about that issue now. On the other hand, of course, this means that I have to concentrate on learning the routine and, at the same time, my hobby time is melting away.
So, I'm not surprised that I easily stayed within my hobby budget in April and again only painted one miniature. Since I was somehow not satisfied with the first iteration of Dromeas, I painted another model with the same background story in mind.
Twelve months, 20,- Euros – Part 3
March is always a great month because it gives me the most opportunities for excuses (yes, I know how that sounds). At the beginning of the month I turned 40 - all the more reason to throw a little money out the window. Or is it?
Last month I was thinking about what I wanted to spend my monthly budget on, and that it would probably be a play mat. I've hesitated between four mats from PWorks:
Renedra – Middle Eastern Two-Storey Houses
We've talked about the Mud-Brick house by Renedra earlier this month, and they added multiple two-storey houses to that design. Those are available in three different sizes and come either as single kits or a boxed set with all three of them. I went with the large set of middle eastern buildings, so let's get started.
These come either in a large bag for the single houses or in a cardboard box as a set. The packaging is full coloured and covers scenes of them in use, on the backside the individual sets as well as the Mud-brick house is named. Pricing is reasonable, 8 to 10 GBP (depending on the size) for the single houses and 22 GBP for the set of three. You already save 5 GBP with the boxed set.