
Frostgrave – Knights

One of the first boxes that came along with the second edition of Frostgrave was the new kit for Knights. But it covers a lot more than just knights, but let's take a closer look into this new plastic set.

Frostgrave - Knights Frostgrave - Knights

Unlike the other troop kits, we have had so far, this just covers 10 models instead of 20, but the sprues and layout are similar to the latest male and female Wizards. You get two sprues of the new unit and a base sprue with 10 round bases with a 25mm diameter. The kit is 15 GBP instead of 20 GBP for the other plastic kits of 20 miniatures.


Warhammer 40,000 – Battlezone: Fronteris – STC Hab-Bunker and Stockades

Let's look into the final plastic kit of the Nachmund bundle, the Fronteris STC Hab-Bunker and Stockades.

Warhammer 40,000 - Battlezone: Fronteris – STC Hab-Bunker and Stockades

With a price tag of 65 EUR or 50 GBP (~60 EUR) it is the most expensive of the three "new" (the STC Hab-Bunker is a re-release from the Sector Fronteris) plastic kits from the extended Fronteris range. Like the others, the Hab-Bunker and Stockades don't cover the rules for Warhammer 40,000 with the instructions, but the terrain traits and additional Narrative Play abilities are part of the War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone campaign supplement that is available separately for 42,50 EUR.


Necromunda – Guild Hall

This one has been travelling my mind for a while. The idea of a octagon terrain piece, using the Sector range, already came along, when I build the Basilicanum from the Sector Imperialis range, as well as the Battle Sanctum from the Adepta Sororitas.

Warhammer 40.000 - Adepta Sororitas Battle Sanctum Warhammer 40.000 Sector Imperialis Basilicanum

So, when I saw these pieces on the tables of one of the White Dwarf battle reports (this one mostly stayed in my head due to the railway waggons) and the magnificent table build by Shinnentai (only found him on Facebook and Twitter), I felt I needed this in my underhive terrain section as well.


Necromunda – Ferratonic Silos Part 2

Thanks for the feedback on the first build of the ferratonic silos. I continued working on the mocked-up version. Gluing down some further parts and finishing the walkway among other things.

Necromunda - Ferratonic Silos

To close up the half-domes, I needed to cut the inlay. That would actually be a hard thing to do just with a hobby knife, so I'm glad my tools cover a broader variety. The dremel would be too wide, but I have a hobby-saw. I use the one from Army Painter, which seems to be out of production, it was around 10-12 EUR. Warlord Games and GaleForce9 cover a similar product. It is proper way to split the topper into parts without removing too much material doing so.


Necromunda – Ferratonic Silos

As spoken about in the Plasma Reactor article, I have further use for the incinerator pieces. I've seen this one in a White Dwarf and thought it might add to a Necromunda table as well.

White Dwarf - Battle Report White Dwarf - Battle Report

And I've seen that conversion, using the Incinerator with the dome on top, split half as a larger footprint terrain piece multiple times, but this was one of the best conversion among them, by Christopher "Bradgamma" Burwood (and he's on Twitter as well).


Necromunda – Plasma Reactors

What's next after the Blood Bowl Chaos Team? Well, I intend to paint a 90s Necromunda gang and got into the vibe by building a "retrofitted" terrain piece of the repurposed pump from Killteam Octarius. And as mentioned in that article, I need absolutely more than just the bulkheads from the classic range. I gathered some inspiriation of the years and with the announced price rise of the Games Workshop range (along with different terrain kits going OOP without prior notice), I stocked up on some of the kits.

Stack of Sprues


Bolt Action – Italian Army and Blackshirts

Warlord Games released a new plastic boxed set, Italian Army & Blackshirts, to accompany the latest campaign supplement Soft Underbelly (review on its way - book stuck in transit ... somewhere). And it is not just multi-part plastic but gives you the option to build Italian forces for early and mid-war in Europe and North Africa, along with Black Shirts.

Bolt Action - Italian Army and Black Shirts Bolt Action - Italian Army and Black Shirts


The Rohan settlement returns

Games Workshop just announced, that the Rohan terrain kits will return for christmas, with the huge bundle of the Rohan settlement itself.

Lord of the Rings - Rohan Settlement Lord of the Rings - Rohan Settlement

The range was originally released at the end of 2019, covering the Rohan House and Rohan Watchtower & Palisade. The settlement was a bundle, covering six houses and two times the palisades for a price of 200 EUR (and was pretty much sold out right away).


Captured equipment for the desert

A long time ago, I stumbled upon this conversion of a Chevrolet 15 CWT on Panzerserra (on of my favourite model builders) and ever since I build the British 15 CWT, I was thinking about building it myself.

Panzerserra - Chevy 15 CWT with Breda 15 CWT with 2cm Flak Ford 15 CWT with Breda

I was unsure if to go for a vehicle in Commonwealth service with a captured gun, or the other way around, with a captured vehicle in German service. After looking for an appropriate breda gun to use with the plastic vehicle. To match the remaining project, the Perry Miniatures Italian 20mm Breda was a good choice. Yet, I have build some of the weapon teams from the world war 2 range and after giving the breda a second look, I decided against it.


Great Escape Games – Dead Man’s Hand Plastic Gunfighters

Great Escape Games, the company behind Dead Man's Hand, released a plastic set of Gunfighters earlier this year. They sent over a sprue of these and we're going to cover it today.

Great Escape Games - Dead Man's Hand Plastic Gunfighters

Dead Man's Hand is not the only game they carry, beyond the Western skirmish, Great Escape Games has a broad variety of rulesets, like the world war 2 platoon sized Rules of Engagement, 1920's gang fights in The Chicago Way or Clash of Empires, a mass-combat rule sets that covers the Ancient to Medieval era. Most of these games are not only supported with rules and supplements, but miniatures as well and in the case of Dead Man's Hand they released this new set of plastic gunfighters. Two sprues per box at 15 GBP.