Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave – Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers
Following up on the Wurmspat, we have the second Beastgrave warband for this week. This time from the Ogor Mawtribes, Hrothgorn's Mantrappers.
Hrothgorn's Mantrappers and the Wurmspat are the penultimate warband wave for the Beastgrave season. With the introduction of Beastgrave, the price tag went up a bit from 22.50 EUR to 25 EUR. This warband covers 6 models, Hrothgorn the Ogor himself, four gnoblars on three bases, a trap and frost sabre. The models are spread across two grey-blue sprues, along with a card deck and assembly instructions. It seems that with Beastgrave the sprues aren't offered anymore as kits without the underworlds content, the warband boxes are listed among the entries of each army.
Warhammer 40.000 Adepta Sororitas Battle Sanctum
Games Workshop revisits the Sector Imperialis terrain range for Warhammer 40.000 and adds a Sororitas themed building to it - the Battle Sanctum.
The Sector Imperialis building and ruin sprues were introduced along with Kill Team and came with multiple boxed sets. I've covered the Basilicanum back in 2018 from that range.
Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave – The Wurmspat
We have duet of warbands from the Beastgrave season this week, beginning with the Nurgle Rotbringers, the Wurmspat.
The Wurmspat and Hrothgorn's Mantrappers are the penultimate warband wave for the Beastgrave season. With the introduction of Beastgrave, the price tag for the warband supplements went up a bit from 22.50 EUR to 25 EUR. This warband covers 3 models, two of them look like Putrid Blightkings and the third is a sorceress. The models are spread across two green sprues, along with a card deck and assembly instructions. It seems that with Beastgrave the sprues aren't offered anymore as kits without the underworlds content, the warband boxes are listed among the entries of each army.
Adeptus Titanicus – Civitas Imperialis Spires
In addition to the square building blocks and habitats of the Civitas Imperialis, Games Workshop released in 2019 a supplement to that kit, the Civitias Imperialis Spires, covering church spires and ecclesiarch buildings.
The spires kit is set at 25 EUR and covers a pair of identical large sprues, covering bases, small cathedrals, towers and spires. And of course comes with an assembly instruction.
Adeptus Titanicus – Civitas Imperialis
The first terrain kit released in 2018 for Adeptus Titanicus were the Civitas Imperialis. It was part of the initial Grand Masters edition of the Adeptus Titanicus Horus Heresy boxed set.
What's the point in reviewing a 2 year old kit? Well, first of all it completes the Manufactorum Imperialis review I just did, and the second reason, the Civitas kit didn't receive the coverage it deserves. It bears more potential than the regular, small buildings on the box or shop description show. For that reason this review will provide an introduction to the kit, that I'll continue with further build(ing)s using the bits and pieces provided from this kit.
Because the interesting aspect is, that the design of the Civitas Imperialis kit picks up the initial terrain design of the 1988 and 1989 boxed sets.
Rubicon 2cm Flak Vierling 38
To create the Sd.Kfz. 7/1 variant, the Selbstfahrlafette 2-cm-Flakvierling 38 auf Fahrgestell Zugkraftwagen 8 t (self-propelled anti-aircraft half-track), I'd need flakvierling kit by Rubicon.
These kits are already planned in a way to be combined, so it can be build either as a weapon team of itself or optional mounted on the flatbed of the Sd.Kfz. 7.
The kit comes with a crew, of which I am not really fond, so these will be replaced with the proper crew from the Perry Miniatures as range, as this vehicle and AA-gun will be deployed with my Afrikakorps.
Adeptus Titanicus – Manufactorum Imperialis Terrain set
With the Manufactorum Imperialis Games Workshop released this month the third terrain plastic kit for Adeptus Titanicus.
Fences for my Rohan town
We've added barrels and crates to the fantasy town, what's next? A bit of fencing! Along with the barrels, I ordered the palisade fencing at Renedra.
Each bag comes with two sprues, with 4 piece of fence and 5 posts. They are 5 GBP per double-pack of sprues.
Adding bits and items to the Rohan settlement
We continue to add matching bits and kits to the Rohan settlement, after looking into the outbuildings by Renedra, a few goods and trade items would be an interesting idea to follow up.
As the Rohan House comes with barrels, a few more of these came to mind - and Renedra has that covered as well. They come in two different sizes, can be bought separated by size or in mixed sets. They are casted in brown plastic, so if you're a bit lazy, simply giving them a drybrush and wash would get you something ready-to-play. A mixed set of 5 large and 5 small barrels will cost you around 3,50 GBP.
The Rohan settlement grows even further
One of the first kits that came to my mind to extend the settlement were the outhouses by Renedra.
The outhouses / outbuildings are available in multiple variants, like wattle/daub, timber and stone. I wanted to show you the wattle and timber one, but had a mix-up in the other, so the wattle/timber will take its place.