Adeptus Titanicus – Cerastus Knights Acheron and Castigator
Along with the Defence of Ryza campaign supplement, Games Workshop released the two of the missing Cerastus Knight variants - the Acheron and Castigator.
Among the Imperial Titans is a class of smaller and less powerful versions of the god-machines - the Imperial Knights. They are piloted by a single Knight commander, called scion, and not by a crew of princeps and moderati. With the knights being much smaller than Warhound Scout Titans, they can only to a limited amount carry titan weapon systems into battle. The Knights were introduced to Epic / Space Marine in UK White Dwarf #126 in June 1990, and a few years later in December of 1994 updated as part of the new editions of this game, Epic Titan Legions. Some of the new classes even derivate from the old names and types. There were Paladins, Lancers and Wardens, and those came back in the current variant as well. In addition knights had tiers, Squire, Knight and Lord, along with Senechal. Something that was picked up in the latest rules for Warhammer 40,000 to a degree.
Frostgrave – More Characters from Felstadt and the Lost Islands
So we have build quite a couple of Frostgrave kits over the last few weeks, and we have a lot of spare bits to toy around with. As did Dino with his Sword & Sorcery adventure. So let's see.
This is just what's left from both first wizards sprues and added a crewmen and a soldier sprue, as a base.
The Hobbit – Lake Town Kitbash Part 1
Keith Robertson did a great kit bash of the Lake Town kit, that was shown a few years back on Warhammer Community.
He combined two of the The Hobbit - Lake Town kits and converted them into something, that was heavily inspired by Bard's house. I really like what he has done and would like to recreate it. Unfortunately, the only pictures we have to do so, are these, giving a proper idea but especially the converted parts as the part below the upper walkways and modified wall section is only partly seen. So let us try to reverse engineer this.
Bolt Action German Grenadiers
Among the plastic kits for Bolt Action, the German army has the most kits to choose from. Maybe that is to reconcile for the very first plastic kit of the German Infantry (we have come a long way since that), or just because they are the bad guys and due to that higher in demand. Following up on the Blitzkrieg Infantry (sorry, that article is only available in German, as it was published prior to this blog being bilingual in 2014/15) that covered the early war troops, this German Grenadier kit covered the late war.
More were about to follow, mostly mid to late war, like the Waffen-SS Grenadiers, Afrika Korps Grenadiers and Winter Gear German Infantry in means of regular infantry.
Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago – Crewmen
As for the Frostgrave review series, we're jumping from Felstadt to the Ghost Archipelago for the first time. Let us take a look at the Crewmen, the tropical pendant to the regular Frostgrave Soldiers. Not following a wizard, but a heritor.
The crew men are designed as a bunch of corsairs, wearing wide, pirate style clothes and weaponry you would find among freebooters. A strong contrast to the fur and pelts of "regular" Frostgrave.
This boxed set follows the same setup as the other Frostgrave plastic kits, it provide 20 models in 28mm scale spread across 4 plastic sprues of 5 each. And as the other Frostgrave warbands, two Renedra sprues with 10 round bases of 25mm diameter each.
The Hobbit – Lake Town House
We started into 2020 with a few articles on Middle Earth terrain, beginning with the Rohan House, and due to the positiv feedback on the overall coverage, I've decided to extend the series and take a look at the Lake Town House as well.
The Lake Town house is a plastic terrain kit in 28mm scale and as such worth a look, not just for players of the Middle Earth games but far beyond. So let's see what is in the box.
Frostgrave – Cultists
The Cultists boxed set was released shortly after the regular Soldiers for Frostgrave, and I got mine as part of the Nickstarter Thaw of the Lich King, back in 2015 and I didn't come around to cover it here, but thought for the sake of completeness I catch up on that.
I went for the Level 3 pledge, that included the book as well as the back then new Frostgrave Cultist kit and a few Nickstarter bonus contents, among them a single regular Soldier sprue to mix in.
Frostgrave – Wizards II Female Wizards
North Star and Osprey Games really spoil the Frostgrave player base, for a skirmisher we have access to much more than an average amount of plastic kits. Most would have been fine with the regular Wizards, but we even got a plastic kit, that I covered last week and then they even added another one, Frostgrave Wizards II, bringing us even more options and most notably female wizards.
You still have access to a broad selection of wizard, covering the wizard and an apprentice each, for 6 GBP per blister pack. This second Frostgrave Wizards plastic kit gives you similar to the first one the opportunity to build 8 miniatures for 15 GBP.
Oathmark – Goblin Wolf Riders
After covering the infantry kits of Oathmark, today we have the opportunity to show the first cavalry set of the range - Goblin Wolf Riders. These were released only a few weeks ago.
If you're not familiar with Oathmark. It is a project by Osprey Games and Northstar Military Figures, with Renedra covering the casting. The full name is Oathmark - Battles of the Lost Age and it is going for a 28mm mass combat range, with rank & file regiments and a few characters. I haven't had the chance to look into the rules yet.
Frostgrave – Wizards
North Star and Osprey Games did land quite a hit with Frostgrave, and with the second edition coming up later this year, I thought it would be a good idea to catch up on some of the available plastic kits - beginning with the Wizards plastic kit.
The Frostgrave range already covers a broad selection of wizard blisters, covering the wizard and an apprentice each, for 6 GBP each. But to give you more flexibility in building and equipping your own wizards, they released a plastic kit covering 8 miniatures for 15 GBP.