Bolt Action – Battlefield Debris
Warlord Games prepared a bundle of scatter terrain called Battlefield Debris and in todays review we will take a closer look into the box.
Warhammer 40.000 – Battlezone: Manufactorum – Conservators
To boost up the Manufactorum Battlezone Games Workshop re-released the armoured containers and parts of the servo-haulers, with the 9th edition rebrand as Battlezone: Manufactorum - Conservators. The Conservators are a mixed set with haulers and a container, providing a bit of scatter terrain.
Warhammer 40.000 – Battlezone: Manufactorum – Vertigus
For the 9th edition Games Workshop released a new series of starter sets, covering two forces and terrain in different tiers. You can choose for example the Command Edition or just the Battlezone terrain from that boxed set, or if you want to go all-in, the large Battlezone: Manufactorum - Vertigus boxed set that we're going to take a closer look into today.
Slave Ogryns Mechanics and Pit Slaves
I already talked about the possibilities of this kit in the review on the Slave Ogryn Gang for Necromunda, but now it is time to let some actions follow those words.
These are not the first ogryn sized models within the Warhammer range, and as we how quite the few bits to choose from for some kit bashing it was time to see, what would work.
The most obvious kit to look into would be the Ogryns / Bullgryns kit from the regular 40k range. The heads fit the size, but need a bit of green stuff on the neck, as the connection is different. A fist from the Kastellan Robots could be interesting to mix up the augmented power fists, and with the Slave Ogryns being often pit crew or mechanic, a few tool bits from the Genestealer Cultists or similar items from the Orks (in this case the biker) a good choice as well.
Imperial Space Marine LE2 1986 and 2016
Finally found it! I was looking for the LE2 Space Marine from 1985 for quite a while and last week I got the miniature for my collection. And he completes the duo, along with the first LE1 Space Orc (Yes, with an C and not a K).
The miniature was released with a hexagon base as the second miniature from a limited edition series, and later released as a regular Space Marine from the Rogue Trader era, and seeing the material on my copy, it is most likely a Mail Order cast from the late 90s. It was sculpted by Bob Naismith back in the day.
Bolt Action – Carro Armato M13/40 and M14/41
After a bit of a pause, a new plastic vehicle kit for Bolt Action. Not bound to a certain campaign book this time, and from the cooperation of Italeri and Warlord Games an italian medium tank multi-kit, the Carro Armato / Semovente.
This is the first italian plastic tank kit for Bolt Action, so far they only had access to resin kits and among those primarely tankettes. With this kit, the player is able to field either a Carro Armato M13/40, M14/41 or Semovente da 75/18.
Realm of Chaos – Herdstone part I
In context of my beastmen warband I have mentioned Paul Sawyer's participation in The Tale of Four Gamers, with his chaos beastmen army. And one of the things that really caught my eye in that series, was the herdstone he build for his army (covered in the White Dwarf #221 and #222).
Necromunda – Slave Ogryn Gang
After expansions for the regular houses with special gangers, the latest plastic kit for Necromunda covers the big guys - Slave and Servitor Ogryns. Games Workshop offers these in two variants, as the Jotunn H Grade Servitor Ogryns or as a full Slave Ogryn Gang. And after roughly half a year, after its initial announcement in February 2020, the unit as part of the House of Chains is available.
Ogryns are a new addition to the underhive (if you exclude house rules or experimental rules from the Fanatic magazine and such), but a very fitting one. A lot of the gangs have access to brutes, and what is more brute than an Ogryn? There are two choices, you can either go for a double pack of Servitor Ogryns for 32,50 EUR or the Slave Ogryn Gang of 6 for 65,00 EUR. The pieces are in both cases identical, the double-sprue is simply covered three times in the gang box.
Aeronautica Imperialis – Avenger Strike Fighters
The Imperial Navy received a huge update in the second wave of Aeronautica Imperialis. We've seen two new plastic kits in the new starter Skies of Fire and the Arvus and Vulture as resin kits, and now even another plastic kit, the Avenger Strike Fighters.
A Medieval Siege Engine
Ever since I played Age of Empires 2, the tribok or trebuchet caught my interest. In the The Outlaw King, the impressive Warwolf was seen in action. And when the Baron's War kickstarter covered a set of siege engine crew, I got them, as they fit very well the early crusades armies as well.
But as for the siege engine itself. I always liked the Gripping Beast siege engine, but that one is out of stock since I ever looked it up. Sarissa Precision covered a tribok of their own, as an MDF kit, which is a steal at 20 GBP, very inspired by the Warwolf and incredibly huge. But to huge for my use and I am not that keen on MDF for these kits, as I wanted the wood texture, that you can show like that in resin or plastic. The kits by Games Workshop for the Bretonnians or Gondor are quite nice, but OOP, so I went on looking for plastic or resin kits.