Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Realmscape Nexus Syphon
Among the Realmscape terrain kits released along with the new Age of Sigmar edition, is the Nexus Syphon. It is either part of the Extremis boxed set or available individually.
The overall design of the new Age of Sigmar 3.0 terrain was moved from ruins of battle, towards new towns and outposts under construction, rebuilding and forging new settlements. The Nexus Syphon, a magical construct to channel the energy from the realms to power and protect these newly founded colonies of the Dawnbringer Crusades.
Oathmark – Skeleton Infantry
I managed to get my hands on two sprues of the Skeleton Infantry for Oathmark in trade, and as I like the design of them, I thought I'd cover them in a review. So this is not going to cover a whole box, but only the sprue.
These add to an already extended range of Oathmark plastic kits, covering Elves, Dwarfs, Greenskins and Humans. And are out there on the market, along with a few other undeads made from plastic in 28mm:
- Wargames Factory / Warlord Games Skeletons
- Wargames Atlantic Skeleton Warriors
- Mantic Games Skeleton Regiment
- Deathrattle Skeletons (who recently took over from the pretty decent Skeleton Warriors from 7th edition)
Bolt Action – Jagdtiger
After covering multiple King Tigers on here, in resin and plastic, it is time to go for the heaviest beasts of the Tiger-Class tanks, the German tank destroyer Sd.Kfz. 186 Jagdpanzer VI - also known as Jagdtiger.
This beast is available in 28mm by multiple companies as a resin kit, but now comes for the first time in plastic, by the joint production of Warlord Games and Italeri. The kit I got, was a pre-release provided by the Dutch wargaming shop Tabletopper.nl. As such it didn't come in a cardboard box, it was simply the sprues in a plastic bag. The final product of course comes with instructions, decals and so on.
The Jagdpanzer VI was another tank destroyer, based upon the chassis of a regular tank. The Germans did this multiple times, as we've seen with the Jagdpanther, the Sturmgeschütz III, Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer or Marder III (both based upon the Panzer 38(t)). But in this case, building upon the already pretty heavy Tiger II tank, the Jagdtiger became with around 70t the heaviest tank produced in series in history.
Rubicon Models – Tiger II with Zimmerit
This is going to be the third time that I'm doing a review on a King Tiger, but this time it is the one by Rubicon Models.
I've had the older resin kit by Warlord Games with the Henschel turret on here, as well as the Italeri / Warlord Games plastic kit of the King Tiger with Zimmerit, so I'm quite curious where the Rubicon kit stands in comparison.
Adeptus Titanicus – Warmaster Titan with Plasma Destructors
Move to the side Warlord Titans, there is a new, heavier battle titan around - the Warmaster Titan! The new class of titans for Adeptus Titanicus was announced in the online preview in late January of this year, and now finally available.
So far, the Warlord marked the heaviest of the available battle titans for the game, and was only outclassed by the even larger Emperor Class Titan, which was covered in the lore but not released for the more recent iterations of Epic nor Adeptus Titanicus. The Warmaster is a new addition to the lore of Warhammer 40.000 (or 30.000 / Horus Heresy) and is based upon old artwork by Jes Goodwin. Back in the day, this was "just" an early sketch of a Warlord Titan, but with a different design than the "beetle back" models. But as there were multiple designs and variants of the titans, in a rather "fluid" state of lore, this is the perfect base for a new class of titan. The Warmaster picked up quite a lot of the design elements, but more on that below.
Valentine for Operation Lightfoot
One of the final pieces to add to my 8th army motor pool is a Valentine infantry tank. As the army is themed around Operation Lightfoot, a mid-war tank and mark would a great fit. As I've stocked the british themed army mostly with Rubicon vehicles, I wanted to keep on doing so. It is just ridiculously difficult to receive stock. The Valentine is part of the second wave 2020 novelties and it took until this week to get my hands on a boxed set.
I kept looking for it on my usual suppliers, like Fantasy-In, got in touch with them, but due to Brexit and the incredibly bad preparations by Rubicon UK, there was just no info on when it would be deliverable. Earlier this week Tabletopper.nl posted an update on their stock, covering the Valentine as well, and I gave it a go. As they "only" charged 7,90 EUR for shipping from the Netherlands to Germany, and even had some other items on stock that I was looking for for a while now (for example Empress' WW2 range, which I ordered through a german store in November and Empress didn't manage to supply them with stock pre-brexit nor afterwards), so I had an order with a total beyond 100 EUR it was free of shipping costs. But what amazed me the most, I ordered it on Wednesday morning and within an hour my order was picked and packed, and I received my tracking number just 75 minutes later. DPD did a great job as well, bringing the package within 48 hours to me. So chapeau to Tabletopper.nl, will keep an eye on you from now on.
Renedra – Middle Eastern Two-Storey Houses
We've talked about the Mud-Brick house by Renedra earlier this month, and they added multiple two-storey houses to that design. Those are available in three different sizes and come either as single kits or a boxed set with all three of them. I went with the large set of middle eastern buildings, so let's get started.
These come either in a large bag for the single houses or in a cardboard box as a set. The packaging is full coloured and covers scenes of them in use, on the backside the individual sets as well as the Mud-brick house is named. Pricing is reasonable, 8 to 10 GBP (depending on the size) for the single houses and 22 GBP for the set of three. You already save 5 GBP with the boxed set.
Renedra – Mudbrick House
This review about the Mud-Brick House by Renedra, that I thought I already published (you could see it in my review on the sandbags), got lost somewhere in the past. I wanted to refer it in the upcoming review on the two-storey houses, but after not finding the review I realized, that I took the pictures, edited them and so on, but never wrote the actual article. Anyhow, I think it still generates value to talk about this kit, especially with a further terrain sets by Renedra, picking up the middle eastern theme.
Modern Combat – Humvees, Tanks and Marines
The chassis are ready, a convoy of 3 to 4 almost identical looking vehicles would be okay, but as these will be put to use in smaller games and skirmishes, I didn't want to use clones, so I bought some Black Dog resin upgrades a while back.
Casting quality is pretty wild, some parts are just broken or not fully casted. Black Dog threw some of them in there multiple times, probably to make up for that lack of quaulity. The instructions are only available for the IDF kit and even there a bit vague.
Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago – Tribals
After covering the Crewmen, the next Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago kit are the tribals we're going to cover. Besides the very obvious temperatures and climate as a difference, in Ghost Archipelago the crew follows a heritor instead of a wizard, and these tribals can be used either as allies or enemies of those treasure seekers.
The tribals are a generic plastic kit, catching the idea of tribes, native to the jungles of the Lost Isles and isolated from the known world. They are heavily influenced by different cultures from our world, like the Polynesian Samoans or Maori, with some North American and African influences as well.