
Dino’s annual review 2022

It's that time again, a whole year has gone by and I have quite mixed feelings when I look back. From a hobby point of view, all in all, it actually went quite well. I have not reached my goal for the year, but I was and am close.

At the beginning of the year, I managed to paint the two remaining archers from the Corinthian part of my Mortal Gods army quite quickly. In fact, it went so smoothly that I would have loved to paint another troop right away, and I've assembled another group in the meantime.

Corinthian archers

Mortal Gods - Greek Archers


Dino’s October 2022

Damn, it happened again - I'm late! Well, I can't really complain, professionally things are going well, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my goal for the year. Sure, I'll keep trying, of course, but before I move on to the next project, namely Oathmark, I think I'll have to declare my annual goal as a milestone.

Speaking of which, Robert, a.k.a. Wolpertinger, with whom I've been doing regular painting sessions via Discord lately, converted an old river troll for my Oathmark army.

Oathmark - Converted Troll


Trouble in Tollonia – Oathmark Campaign Part 1

Holey kamoley, what have I done!? After I played a game of Rangers of Shadow Deep at the beginning of the year with Nico and Andreas, two buddies from the forum of the Tabletopwelt, and watched a lot of Oathmark videos on YouTube, I had the idea to raise a small Oathmark force from the resulting background.

While I was talking about it with Nico via Discord, the idea kept mutating until the thought came up to maybe play an Oathmark campaign for a weekend. The basic idea was good: paint the existing pool of minis and make an army out of it, while they would also work in several other systems. Target date for completion? Fall 2023, possibly in October when there's less going on.

In the near future I'll talk about this topic more often, but for today I'll introduce you to my Goblin Champion. My force consists of a necromancer and her undead henchmen, as well as the lowly goblins pressed into service. In my eyes, they excellently fulfill the classic role of henchmen and cannon fodder that kick the bucket in droves in every movie scene. On the other hand, their numbers are usually so large and their sly deviousness so pronounced that they don't seem insignificant.

In Oathmark, Goblin Champions are not quite so frail. They are characterized as evil-eyed bullies who like to emphasize their words with a whip. That's the kind of bully I wanted to portray with this champion.

Trouble in Tollonia - Oathmark Campaign Part 1 Trouble in Tollonia - Oathmark Campaign Part 1

Filed under: fantasy Continue reading

Dino’s August 2022

The month in which the tabletop activities normally decrease due to the good weather has also left its mark on me - but for other reasons. My new job is quite demanding and involves a lot of travel, so I didn't get to sit down at the painting table very often.

Instead, I used my increased travel activity and worked on my goal for the year, namely to keep in touch with the community and play a few games. I had the opportunity to visit two clubs in the vicinity of my customer and spent several times with the Bedburgers.

ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

A visit to...ACWF Aachener Tabletop Freunde

Filed under: fantasy Continue reading

Dino’s June 2022

A little more than half a year has passed and finally, FINALLY I received four brushes and three pots of Lahmian Medium from Battlefield Berlin. Sounds strange? But it actually happened.

Lahmian Medium + Brushes

Somehow I don't seem to have much luck with my orders lately and the matter does leave a sour taste. Since then I have asked what the status is and I was told that there will be a shipping confirmation as soon as the order is on its way. After more than half a year of trust for an open order, I would have expected something like a small thank you, even if it had only been something like a ballpoint pen.


Oathmark – Skeleton Infantry

I managed to get my hands on two sprues of the Skeleton Infantry for Oathmark in trade, and as I like the design of them, I thought I'd cover them in a review. So this is not going to cover a whole box, but only the sprue.

Oathmark - Skeleton Infantry Oathmark - Skeleton Infantry

These add to an already extended range of Oathmark plastic kits, covering Elves, Dwarfs, Greenskins and Humans. And are out there on the market, along with a few other undeads made from plastic in 28mm:


June review

Managed to get some things going in June. Some new and final arrivals to my collection.

I am a huge fan of the work of Paul Hicks, and one of rarer miniatures (besides the event miniatures he sculpted) is this set of British Napoleonic soldiers, strongly influenced by Sean Bean in Sharpe. After looking for a trader in Europe and trying to get these second hand - but with no results for over almost a year, I decided to order directly with Brigade Games. Shipping wasn't cheap at 28 USD (for a total of ~50 USD worth of miniatures), but went incredibly fast, as these arrived within 10 days - incl. going through customs.

Brigade Games - British Rifles Veterans Brigade Games - British Rifles Veterans Brigade Games - British Rifles Veterans

This isn't going to be some mass combat, but really a small skirmish setup around Sharpe's Rifles. So after looking at Osprey Games' Chosen Men, but putting that aside for it being far too large, as it is more like Saga at 40+ miniatures and not what I had in mind for the small battles, I went with Song of Drums & Shakos by Ganesha Games. Tabletop Stories has a review on the rule set. And if you're already there, give their Mecha-Spin off of What a tanker a go.


Oathmark – Goblin Wolf Riders

After covering the infantry kits of Oathmark, today we have the opportunity to show the first cavalry set of the range - Goblin Wolf Riders. These were released only a few weeks ago.

Oathmark - Goblin Wolf Rider Oathmark - Goblin Wolf Rider

If you're not familiar with Oathmark. It is a project by Osprey Games and Northstar Military Figures, with Renedra covering the casting. The full name is Oathmark - Battles of the Lost Age and it is going for a 28mm mass combat range, with rank & file regiments and a few characters. I haven't had the chance to look into the rules yet.


Oathmark Goblin Infantry

Another non-human boxed set for the Oathmark range is the Goblin Infantry. I've already covered the Elves and the Dwarves in the past, so if you want to take a look at them, click the links above.

Oathmark - Goblin Infantry Oathmark - Goblin Infantry

The Oathmark - Battles of the Lost Age range is a project by Osprey Games and North Star Military Figures, with Renedra covering the casting. I didn't buy this kit nor did North Star gave it to me for review purposes, I traded it from the travelling box HANS!. That is the reason why the box is a bit beat up and the sprue of square bases is missing.


Dino(‘s) Crisis Loot 2019

As promised, my personal loot from Crisis 2019.

Crisis 2019 - Tinsoldiers of Antwerp Crisis 2019 - Tinsoldiers of Antwerp

  • Crisis Special Event Mini 2019
  • Warlords of Erehwhon Skeletons
  • Oathmark Goblin Infantry
  • Garstufts with snow
  • Basing snow
  • Frostgrave: Perilous Dark
  • Frostgrave Elementalists II
  • Six halflings from the Bring and Buy
  • Reaper Bones Mule
  • Five barrels for terrain
  • Sheriff Jimjohn from Shootout in Dingstown