Dino’s June 2022
A little more than half a year has passed and finally, FINALLY I received four brushes and three pots of Lahmian Medium from Battlefield Berlin. Sounds strange? But it actually happened.
Somehow I don't seem to have much luck with my orders lately and the matter does leave a sour taste. Since then I have asked what the status is and I was told that there will be a shipping confirmation as soon as the order is on its way. After more than half a year of trust for an open order, I would have expected something like a small thank you, even if it had only been something like a ballpoint pen.
Mortal Gods – Veteran
Ha! I finally managed to finish painting up the Veteran of the Corinthians. I admit, so close to the end of the month I hardly believed it, but two undisturbed evenings later I brought my usual color scheme to the mini quite quickly.
Dino’s May 2022
Last month I asked you how the ease of the Covid measures had affected your hobby life and I received some interesting feedback. Overall, I could see from your feedback that the different views on the measures have partly led to a small split in the hobby community, between the more cautious and the less cautious hobbyists. In general, however, the changes have led to more contacts among those who already checked their health status before each visit anyway, and the number of tabletop games in private has increased again.
In my opinion, it is encouraging that we as hobbyists still show enough common sense, where we also pay attention to our fellow man and not only to ourselves. It shows that integrity and consideration are still present and lived in our hobby. Altogether the contacts have strengthened again somewhat - above all however online. During the period of increased precautions, the online community in particular proved to be a strong anchor for us hobbyists, so that most social contacts could be maintained.
In this regard, I also have to say a few words of thanks to the people who are always encouraging me to push my projects further in the Tabletopwelt forum in my thread and my known group of Tabletop Daddies. So I managed to paint the last hoplite for the Corinthians group that was left for Mortal Gods.
Mortal Gods – Hoplite Tutorial
The first of my Corinthian hoplites is painted and I am quite satisfied with the result. Since I might divide the Corinthians and the mercenaries of my army into two independent factions and would also like to have an army of Zeus, I deliberately based the color choice on the centaur.
This way I can use the hoplites later equally as Corinthians or Olympians. I also gave the hoplite two swords instead of a spear and shield. This falls more into the category of artistic freedom, but it breaks up a bit of a too-similar image of the models on the gaming table.
Dino’s March 2022
Didn't I mention last month that I had Corona and thought I was finally in the clear? Well, only a short time later, most likely aided by the Corona infection, it turns out that I had a mild case of pneumonia. Thank God I was able to put this chapter behind me as well and I am doing quite well again.
Accordingly, the time for painting has suffered a little this month, but fortunately, I was still able to achieve one or two milestones in my annual plan. First of all, I'm happy to announce that I played my first game of Rangers of Shadow Deep.
Tabletopwelt forum users Erkwin and Saranor invited me to a game night and played a game of Rangers of Shadow Deep with me. In the upcoming weeks I will write a narrative report about the two scenarios we played, which you will be able to read as usual on the Chaosbunker.
Mortal Gods – Greek Archers
There you go, the last two archers are done and so is the matching squad. Besides the usual snapshots of the models, this time I also read a bit about the troop type itself. I often see this when Dennis shows off a few of his models and thought I'd give it a try as well.
Dino’s January 2022
It was a good January, marked by many new beginnings. Jobwise I have started a new employment and hobbywise I have painted and tinkered peacefully away.
These archers for Mortal Gods have been on the painting table for a while, but I was only able to finish them shortly before the end of the month, considering my duties. In a few days there will be a few more snapshots and a painting tutorial on them.
Dino’s annual preview 2022
New year, new luck! That's my wish for the year 2022, which unfortunately still stands under the ominous star of the Corona pandemic. But let's assume that by some miracle the almighty and wise governments of this world have found a solution to the problem, what is then on the program for 2022 in terms of hobby?
Well, first of all, I'd like to write the last article of the first season of The Journey of the Maulers - I actually played the game back in December 2020. Admittedly, that's not quite up to date, but for me the conclusion of the first season just feels more rounded that way.
Dino’s annual review 2021
Adios 2021! Finally the year is over and as usual in the Bunker, we take the time and ponder a little about the events of the past year. Of course, I could make it easy for myself now and say "Burn in hell 2021!", but despite many lows, there were definitely also pleasant highs.
And so the year got off to a pretty good start when I was able to add a group of painted zombies to my Army of Hades in January and finally bring it up to 300 points in February.
Twelve months, 20,- Euro Final Part…?
Weeell, well, well, look what’s here – if this isn’t the end of the year already! So it's high time to take a last look at my great moderation this year. In the following I have listed what I have spent my money on and yes, even in the last month I stayed within the budget - mission accomplished!