
Warhammer World 2023 – Exhibition Centre Part 1

Part of the Warhammer World experience is the Exhibition Centre, which covers large dioramas and walls full of display cases with vignettes, armies and individual miniatures very early ages of Citadel Miniatures until the most recent releases.

The exhibition centre spreads across two floors and four areas, and ticket prices are 7,50 GBP per adult, 5 GBP for children from 12 to 17, younger kids are free. There are group and family tickets available as well. You can buy a softcover book, which covers professional pictures and additional information on the larger dioramas for 18 GBP onsite, which is a perfect souvenir. The book is updated regularly and currently in its third edition.

Games Workshop – Warhammer World Exhibition Centre Games Workshop – Warhammer World Exhibition Centre Games Workshop – Warhammer World Exhibition Centre

As we already have covered the new exhibition centre in extensive articles from our visits in 2018 (Warhammer Fantasy / Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy / Warhammer  40k) and 2020 (Warhammer Fantasy / Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy / Warhammer  40k), the focus this time is more on some spotlights and novelties, as some of the larger setups were replaced and / or updated.


Warhammer Fest 2023 Recap and Comments – Part 1

This prolonged weekend (April 29th to May 1st 2023) was the Warhammer Fest 2023 hosted by Games Workshop in Manchester. This is the annual big Warhammer party, currently only held in the UK, but all the reveals and a lot of coverage can be found as well directly published by Games Workshop on their twitch or Warhammer Community page.

Warhammer Fest 2023

The last time we had a Warhammer Fest in Central Europe was in 2018, when it was hosted in Düsseldorf, Germany. We were there and covered the event on this blog.


The Rohan settlement returns

Games Workshop just announced, that the Rohan terrain kits will return for christmas, with the huge bundle of the Rohan settlement itself.

Lord of the Rings - Rohan Settlement Lord of the Rings - Rohan Settlement

The range was originally released at the end of 2019, covering the Rohan House and Rohan Watchtower & Palisade. The settlement was a bundle, covering six houses and two times the palisades for a price of 200 EUR (and was pretty much sold out right away).

Filed under: fantasy Continue reading

Wargaming Black Friday

Most people associate Black Friday with huge sales on electronics in the states and in the last few years it became more and more popular in Europe / Germany. I came across a special sale at Radaddel and spent about 50 EUR on the items below.

Wargaming Black Friday

So what did I get in detail?


Weekend Update CW 25/2020

Earlier this week, the first part of my Lake Town kitbash went online. We started with the main building, next up the stairs and pathways, and I'm already on that, as you can see.

Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House


The Hobbit – Lake Town Kitbash Part 1

Keith Robertson did a great kit bash of the Lake Town kit, that was shown a few years back on Warhammer Community.

He combined two of the The Hobbit - Lake Town kits and converted them into something, that was heavily inspired by Bard's house. I really like what he has done and would like to recreate it. Unfortunately, the only pictures we have to do so, are these, giving a proper idea but especially the converted parts as the part below the upper walkways and modified wall section is only partly seen. So let us try to reverse engineer this.

Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House


Weekend Update CW 20/2020 – Roofing, Backlogs and Lego

Had a bit of spare time on friday night and took up the kitbash of the Laketown House. A more detailled coverage on the build will soon follow. Mixed up a bit of Grey Stuff by P3 and took care of the gaps between the shingles and wall pieces. And as usual, you end up with too much modelling clay.

Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House


The Hobbit – Lake Town House

We started into 2020 with a few articles on Middle Earth terrain, beginning with the Rohan House, and due to the positiv feedback on the overall coverage, I've decided to extend the series and take a look at the Lake Town House as well.

Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit Lake Town House

The Lake Town house is a plastic terrain kit in 28mm scale and as such worth a look, not just for players of the Middle Earth games but far beyond. So let's see what is in the box.


Fences for my Rohan town

We've added barrels and crates to the fantasy town, what's next? A bit of fencing! Along with the barrels, I ordered the palisade fencing at Renedra.

Renedra - Barrels and Fence Renedra - Fence Renedra - Fence

Each bag comes with two sprues, with 4 piece of fence and 5 posts. They are 5 GBP per double-pack of sprues.


Adding bits and items to the Rohan settlement

We continue to add matching bits and kits to the Rohan settlement, after looking into the outbuildings by Renedra, a few goods and trade items would be an interesting idea to follow up.

Renedra - Barrels and Fence

As the Rohan House comes with barrels, a few more of these came to mind - and Renedra has that covered as well. They come in two different sizes, can be bought separated by size or in mixed sets. They are casted in brown plastic, so if you're a bit lazy, simply giving them a drybrush and wash would get you something ready-to-play. A mixed set of 5 large and 5 small barrels will cost you around 3,50 GBP.