
Legions Imperialis – Vanguard Miniatures

Back in 2020 we did a review on the Vanguard Miniatures and their range of metal (!) miniatures for Epic. The range is called Defeat in Detail, is available in 3, 6 and 15mm and covers the Novan Commonwealth (Imperium), Cybershadow (Mechanicum) and even some Xenos races.

But as we now have access to the Legions Imperialis range, we want to compare the metal models with the plastic, beginning with their Novan Elites vs. the Legiones Astartes. Pretty close in size, would work at regular games distance.

Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis - Vanguard Miniatures Defeat in Detail


Legions Imperialis – Building an Army

We have talked a lot about Legions Imperialis in the last days, did reviews, articles analyzing the new and old content, but now it is time to muster an army. Beginning with the Legiones Astartes.

Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis - Death Guard vs Iron Hands

How does this work in Legions Imperialis? This is a four step process for Army Selection and we're going to this as for my upcoming army project.


Legions Imperialis – Painting tiny marines

As we are going deep with the coverage and further projects using the new Epic scale Legions Imperialis miniatures, I grabbed a few miniatures from the Legiones Astartes Infantry set and prepared them to get them painted as that just looks nicer in the comparison pictures.

Hors Heresy - Legions Imperialis - Painting some Epic Scale Space Marines Horus Heresy - Liber Traitoris Alpha Legion

It will be two bases of Astartes, one with a few command miniatures in power armour and the second one with the Cataphracti terminators, and with this scope I thought, well that would be a great chance to paint something outside of my project idea. And what legion would be better than the Alpha Legion? Especially as the pictures from the Liber Hereticus really spoke to me. Beside that, it would be a great time to try out a translucent colour over metallics, using Contrast paints.


Legions Imperialis – Aeronautica Imperialis

After talking about the use of Titans in Legions Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus, we want to take a look on the flyers and air supporting units, that can be used with Legions Imperialis. And while Titanicus is entirely set in the Horus Heresy, Aeronautica Imperialis wasn't, which means not all units and products will return as part of the new extended range of Legions.

What is the biggest change for the Aeronautica boxed sets? Well, the Aeronautica bases will be replaced with new Legions Imperialis flying bases. Unlike Titanicus, Aeronautica didn't provide gaming material with the miniature boxes, the cards etc. were either sold separately or was part of the starter boxes.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis Aeronautica Imperialis - Marauder Destroyer Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis - 40mm Base

And similar to AT, we try to answer a few questions regarding the transition of Aeronautica Imperialis


Legions Imperialis – Adeptus Titanicus

The core rules of Legions Imperialis give you the option to include most, if not all, available options from the Collegio Titanica for your armies as strategic assets. A lot of people were afraid, that Adeptus Titanicus would fall to the same fate as Aeronautica Imperialis did, but not to worry, the magnificent plastic kits are just repacked, as you will have noticed by now from the Pre-Order and from the inlay in the new core set.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis Legions Imperialis - Adeptus Titanicus

You can still buy the Adeptus Titanicus core set (covering 2 reavers and 2 warhounds, along with the rulebook) and with the addition of the Campaign Compendium and one of the allegiance books (Traitor or Loyalist) you would - rulewise - have everything to play Titanicus. I recommend the addition of one of the maniple boxed sets, but more on the below.


Legions Imperialis – Warhound Scout Titan

While we talk about super heavy and heavy armour with the likes of Baneblade and Kratos, there are far bigger warmachines available for Legions Imperialis with the use of the Adeptus Titanicus range from 2018. These boxes will now come repacked with additional content (bases) for the dual use in both systems. And while we already covered the Warhound Scout Titans in 2018 in its initial Double-Box release, we will do an updated review on the variant for  Legions Imperialis, as we now have more weaponry!

Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis Warhound Titan Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis Warhound Titan

What is new about the LI variant of the Warhound? Well similar to a lot of other Titanicus releases, Games Workshop swapped the weapon sprue. We have seen this with the Reaver Titan, where they replaced the Laser/Gatling Blaster with Power Fist for Melta Cannon and Chain Fist, the Warlord Titan, with Volcano Cannon or  Sunfury Plasma Annihilators and even Warmaster Titan, where the Plasma Destructors got replaced with an Iconoclast weapon system.


Legions Imperialis – The Costs of the Garmon Purge

In White Dwarf #493 October 2023 we had the first battle report on Legions Imperialis, incl. the rules of the first supplement The Great Slaughter. We see a battle between the Blood Angels and a Death Guard Army incl. Allies, to show a full battle of 3.000 Points.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis

As many thought The Great Slaughter would cover the Istvaan atrocity, it was actually the name for the Battle of Beta Garmon, which we had insights in with the Adeptus Titanics supplement of Titan Death. This would make sense, first of all as it is the name of the battle report, it would tie in other branches of the war, but the Death Guard wasn't really involved according to lore.


Legions Imperialis – Legiones Astartes Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron

The Heavy armour for the Legiones Astartes is here, with the Kratos Heavy Tank.

Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Kratos Heavy Tank Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Kratos Heavy Tank

The Kratos is a new type of vehicle for the Horus Heresy, that was introduced in full scale as a plastic kit in 2022 for the release of the 2nd edition. It is bigger than the Sicaran, whose resin kit was replaced by a plastic kit as well last year. And now you can have both them, again in plastic, for Legions Imperialis.

While the Sicaran is currently exclusive to the core set, you can get the Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron of four, as part of the first wave for the game at a RRP of 40 EUR / 30 GBP.


Legions Imperialis – Solar Auxilia Baneblade Squadron

We gave you the overview on the content of the core set, so let's continue with the additional content of the first wave and the first super heavy options for the Solar Auxilia - the Baneblade Squadron!

Legions Imperialis - Solar Auxilia Baneblade Squadron Legions Imperialis - Solar Auxilia Baneblade Squadron

This kit comes with two sprues at a RRP of 40 EURs / 30 GBP, each sprue covers enough parts to build either a Baneblade or a Hellhammer.


Legions Imperialis – Legiones Astartes Rhino Transport Detachment

One of the first plastic vehicles for Rogue Trader back in the late 80s and now among the first wave models for the Legiones Astartes - the Rhino Transport Detachment.

Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Rhino Transport Legions Imperialis - Legiones Astartes Rhino Transport

As usual, as double sprue pack with identical sprues, covering a total of 10 (!) armoured personal carriers, at a RRP of 40 EUR / 30 GBP.