
June 2024 review

A slightly postponed recap of June. While I was able to write up our visit to FeenCon at beginning of this month, a prolonged family weekend followed up by a few days of the flu changed my schedule.

First things first - the Horus Heresy audiobooks are back on spotify, and while that was in clarification between the license holders, I went to Bookbeat, as they have the audiobooks as well- by the way if you use the code "60tgratis" when you register, you get two months for free not just one. I'm currently listening to Betrayer, where the Word Bearers and World Eaters fight alongisde, attacking the realm of Ultramar, more precisely Armatura.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy - Betrayer Audiobook


Scatter Terrain

As I mentioned in the Tabletopwelt forum at the beginning of the month, I've been working a bit with some terrain I've started. These two scatter terrain pieces were originally intended for Gaslands, but since I play quite a lot of settings where sandy terrain occurs, they can actually be used for almost any system.

Scatter Terrain Scatter Terrain

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Dino’s Annual Summary 2020

As regular visitors of the Chaosbunker will have noticed, there have been rather few articles from my hand lately, which is why it's time to approach the year 2021 with a little more consistency and regularity. For many it is certainly no surprise when I say that 2020 was rather mediocre, but let's take a look at it together...

This was 2020

Basically, the year didn't start out bad at all. I went into my ongoing projects with a lot of motivation, wanting to both start a new gang for Frostgrave and finish the one I'd already started.

Frostgrave - A Sword and Sorcery Adventure


Gaslands – Nothing to lose

But there is a lot to be won in May in the various Gaslands Facebook groups. It's remarkable how much enthusiasm and creativity the Gaslands community shows and in May there are several competitions and raffles you can participate in.

I will also try my luck this month and take part in at least one of the competitions. Let's see if fortune favors the men from the Chaosbunker this month. But before I go into this in my next article, I would like to give you a short overview of the current competitions and raffles.


Gaslands – Roadblocks

To make my future Gaslands table more interesting, I have set out to create a few stylish terrain pieces in a Wasteland style. Originally I wanted to make the track boundaries more visible, as well as corners and obstacles.

Osprey Games - Gaslands


Gaslands – New week, new wreck

My latest terrain piece, made from a recycled Nissan Titanium, is finished and I had so much fun with it that I decided to do another piece in the same style right away. This time I won't take a hotwheel apart though. In fact, a recently purchased monster truck was already accompanied by a wreck that has no other purpose than to drive over it.

Osprey Games - Gaslands

As you can see I added a few small details to cover a some holes that are actually connectors for other wrecks. To the hole in the front I glued a few rods to make it look like a rudimentary radiator grill.


Gaslands – Pretty broken

On with my first off-road piece for Gaslands. When I disassembled the car, I discovered a little surprise - the Nissan Titan actually did have a music system modelled inside. Although I knew that it would not be seen, I could not resist the temptation to paint it. If I discover such a small addition in one of the Hotwheel cars again, I will probably cut it out and install it somewhere visible on another car.

Osprey Games - Gaslands Osprey Games - Gaslands

With the seats, I knew that you could see them through the lowered windows and so I painted the upper side like old, worn leather. I approached the chassis using a proven method, with the windows first.


Gaslands – First terrain pieces

It's a mystery to me how this happens, but I have the feeling that if you keep searching long enough, one or the other toy car will turn up at every household. Such a miracle happened the other day when I was cleaning up at home, where I discovered this Nissan Titan by chance. From the beginning on, the car looked so ugly and lowered to me, that it looked like a broken car even before I could tinker with it.

Osprey Games - Gaslands


Gaslands – Final touch

We're in the next round in Gaslands - last week I showed you the first steps in painting the car and today we'll finish it as promised. The base colour for the chassis was Plague Brown. But before I started to set the accents I made sure I separated all parts by mixing Parasite Brown and Black. With this I traced all the ridges on the car. Parasite Brown was also the color I used for the shadows. I mixed Parasite Brown about 50/50 with Lahmian Medium to create a wash.

Osprey Games - Gaslands Osprey Games - Gaslands Osprey Games - Gaslands

" I said YELLOW! This isn't yellow!" shouted the freelancer angrily.

 The pretty repairwoman smiled gloatingly and said:

 "Freelancer, you just don't listen - I told you I'll fix your car and the parts will be available in any colour as long as it's Rutherford Green."


Gaslands – Painting the car

Welcome back to Gaslands! After we have chosen and prepared the right car last week, it's now time to paint. There is also something to consider here. For the base I primed the top and the chassis separately, so that nothing of the interior would be visible later, and the outside was re-sprayed in white, so that the later main colour, yellow, would not need so many coats for the base colour.

Osprey Games - Gaslands Osprey Games - Gaslands Osprey Games - Gaslands

"What did you do?" asked the mechanic as the freelancer drove his car onto the ramp.

"You should see the others," he replied.

"So Julia, what do you think? Can you get this thing fixed?"

"I will definitely have to replace the wheel and the front suspension. More I can only tell you after a thorough check-up," she replied.

"Okay," said Dino "what will this cost me?".

" We still owe you a few cans and a favor. Don't worry about it for now, we'll talk about the money later."

That was good enough for the freelancer. He threw the key to the beautiful mechanic, which she caught elegantly in mid-air. It was a shame that she had joined Rutherford's gun freaks. She could have been a great asset to his crew.