
Necromunda – 1995s House Orlock Gang

I have finished a Middlehammer Chaos warband, I have finished a 90s Blood Bowl Chaos team and now it is time to jump into Sci-Fi. And what better miniature stock to do so by taking a look at Necromunda?

Necromunda has roots in the Rogue Trader era as well. Not entirely unlike Blood Bowl, it had a predecessor. In this case called Confrontation (not to be confused with the game by Rackham), which wasn't released as a boxed game but as published across multiple issues of the White Dwarf Magazine in 1990 and 1991 (Mordheim initially went for a similar approach and was published across multiple issues in White Dwarf until it was released as a boxed game). Confrontation shared a lot of similarities with Necromunda, like the gang warfare setting in a Hive City, yet had a different design approach, as you can see from the artwork and miniatures.

Necromunda - Confrontation Necromunda - Confrontation Necromunda - Confrontation Hive Gangers


Citadel Colour Contrast – Part 4

As a welcome update to our Part 3 coverage on the Citadel Colour Contrasts the Warhammer Store in Chelmsford (Essex, UK), once again outdid himself and updated their colour chart.

In the old post we've covered their overview on the contrast colours on primed bases and with the release of the 2022 update of the paint range (along with a new White Scars primer), Warhammer Chelmsford updated that again as well.

Games Workshop - Citadel Colour Games Workshop - Citadel Colour Games Workshop - Citadel Colour

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Necromunda – Outlanders Stock

I went over my Necromunda Underhive stock and did an update to the 2021 article, as I managed to complete large part of the collection, extending into the Outlanders supplement as well as beyond. From the core collection, I'm only missing a single Goliath ganger and I'd like to share the status quo of the extended Underhive collection.

Just to bring you up to date, a brief repetition from the last article: What is Necromunda about? It is a 28mm skirmish between the street gangs of the bigger Houses on the planet Necromunda, fighting over supply contracts, mines and facilities. And all that in the underground of a megacity (so very 2000 AD) in the Warhammer 40.000 universe. With the character / gang development it even included a narrative part, to tell the story of your own gang, with all the ups and downs that belong to it. And that narrative part is simply the cherry on top of that old school goodness.


A visit in the Wizards Inn

Pirmasens. A small town in the deepest of the Palatinate that is currently suffering a little from the offshoring of the shoe industry and is yet home to a cultural pearl - for the hobby. In the immediate proximity of the pedestrian zone, Thomas "Tom" Franz has been running the Wizards Inn since 1997, a whopping 25 years already.

Wizzards Inn - Pirmasens

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Dino’s July 2022

To say that July was hectic would be the understatement of the year. First of all, I lost my job, then within two weeks I found another, better one. In between, I tried to catch up on all the private stuff that was left behind during that time.

One could think now " That guy doesn't paint at all!". But against all expectations I even managed to paint more than in the previous months. The first mini has set a small milestone with its completion.

Mortal Gods - Promachos


Made-to-order Classic Skaven Characters

Already in 2019 Games Workshop offered some Skaven, the human sized rat-people of Warhammer, in a made-to-order run but went for a new one last week. I ordered some items and I have to say, that was quick. They put the order online on 11 am on satuday, and some people even received theirs on monday (!), mine arrived thursday which is still pretty rapid, especially if you count in that it went through customs.

Warhammer Fantasy - Skaven Made to Order

This is not the first time I used the made-to-order run by Games Workshop, I did that to fill some gaps in my Blood Bowl collection back in 2017 with a halfling team.

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Horus Heresy – The next steps

The Horus Heresy is around for about a month. And a lot of people are #HardForHeresy. Games Workshop has published additional content in the four weeks since the official launch, like a very extensive document with Legacies of the Age of Darkness covering a lot more units in addition to the Traitor and Loyalists books, along with a free Horus Heresy mission.

But that's not all, to keep the players interested, we had previews on the full Contemptor Dreadnought kit, because as it seems the Contemptor from the Age of Darkness box is not the final release. As well as teasers on the new plastic Predator based upon the Deimos Rhino (full plastic kit as well) and even a first peak on the Leviathan Dreadnought - coming as a plastic kit as well.

Warhammer - The Horus Heresy

Beyond that, Games Workshop did not draw away the attention that period that much. The releases and novelties were rather supporting, for example adding the rulebook as a stand-alone or giving the Contrast Paints an update. Quite a clever move, especially as you want to have your customers paint loads and loads of Space Marines, so things like the new Imperial Fists yellow comes in handy.


Necromunda – Ash Waste Nomads Dustbacks and Wy’tari Stormcaller

We're closing the Ash Waste reviews series after the Cargo 8 Ridgehauler last month and Ironhead Prospectors earlier this week (breaking the 300 review barrier by the way! Yay!). And today we're looking at the Ash Waste Nomads, primarely the Wy'tari Stormcaller.

Necromunda - Ash Waste Nomads Dustbacks and Wy’tari Stormcallers

Games Workshop sent the the Stormcaller kit by Forge World and I traded one of the Prospector sprue against one of the Dustback Helamites to add a bit of more content to this review. That's why I'm only showing the sprue and not the box set or instructions, but it should work either way.


Necromunda – Ironhead Squat Prospectors

Following up on the Ridgehauler we'll do a nice double pack, covering the Ironhead Squat Prospectors and the Ash Waste Nomads later this week. But let's start with the Squats!

Necromunda - Ironhead Squat Prospectors

Oh, what nostalgy came back to the more recent releases. Squats, unmentioned for decades in the editions from the third until recent, were a part of the Warhammer 40,000 since the very beginning of Rogue Trader. Back then even called Space Dwarfs and more of an army of ZZ-Top biker army, yet with lots of classic norse themed dwarven iconography.


Necromunda – Cargo 8 Ridgehauler and Trailer

Last weekend the Ash Waste novelties went online for pre-order. And beside the new supplement Book of the Outlands and the Squat Miners, the Cargo 8 Ridgehauler and its trailer were introduced as well. We will look into these kits today.

Necromunda - Cargo 8 Ridgehauler and Trailer

In the new supplement you'll find the rules for these in Necromunda, along with some further mechanics of using other vehicles and even a small vehicle construction kit. But for this review the most interesting are the assembled and painted pictures, along with some samples of how the different houses us the Cargo 8 Ridgehauler.