Game of Thrones – A Song of Ice and Fire continues
As the Song of Ice and Fire continues tonight on HBO, beginning the final chapter of the Game of Thrones, it is a good time, to look into my own tale of Westeros.
There are two incredibly well done projects about A Song of Ice and Fire in 28mm. One is done by the famous Capt. Blood on Lead Adventure and the other one by the magnificent Don Voss on Sweetwater. There is even a list of other SoIaF/GoT themed projects on Lead Adventure.
Winter is coming
With the last two month of this year right around the corner, the planning for Winter is necessary. One of the next events on my schedule is the Crisis, as I already shared with you here - Crisis 2017 prelude.
Usually I prepare an advent calendar for December, but this year I'll schedule something different. I'd like to switch to some themed weeks, but still delivery some special topics on the advent sundays. So what do I have on my mind? Well, the review schedule has still a few things to cover. You are most likely well aware of the world war 2 heavy content, so expect a some vehicle kits in resin and plastic, and a few infantry sets among them as well.