
Deth Wizards – Necromancy!

After setting the tone for Deth Wizards in the last article, I started collecting the pieces and fitting bases from the drawers and boxes, and went for all round bases, as I want to use them with my other fantasy miniatures, like the Beastmen. With the more heroic characters on 32mm round bases and the regular rank and files Johnny Undies on 25mm round bases.

As the spirit hosts don't have slots and were intended to be put upon 40mm squares with multiple miniatures, but we're going for single bases. As their pins provide a strong connection to the base, I simply drilled through the casting spot on the base.

Deth Wizards - Necromancy! Deth Wizards - Necromancy!


Deth Wizards – 1: The Book

Givana carefully turned the pages of the book. Although the pages looked thin and tatty, they felt extremely sturdy, almost like leather. The words and pictures were written in a dark brown ink that was pleasing to the eye.

“Oh, thank you grandfather! A real book! I've always wanted one of these since you taught me how to read!”

Givana's grandfather smiled warmly.

“I thought you might like a book of your own instead of having to read the ones from the public library all the time in it's reading hall. But before we read it together, there are still a few things to learn,” Karl continued.

“As it is no ordinary book and its contents have to be read step by step. When I was your age and celebrated my own 14th birthday, I received this book from my grandfather, your great-great-grandfather Anselmus. Through him I learned that life is a great balance whose equilibrium must be maintained and honored.

We must be careful. Some will envy our knowledge, Givana. Others, those less knowledgeable and wise, may fear us. Treasure this book and its teachings. For the next four years it shall remain a secret to both of us.”

And with that, I welcome you to a new mini-project of mine. While our elderly circle of hobbyists were chatting and making plans for the upcoming CONflict presentation, the idea of presenting Deth Wizards from Snarling Badger Studios came up. The reason for this was simple - it was a project with a manageable timeframe until the event and pretty much every hobbyist has a model or two of undead stuff lying around at home.

Yes, I too have a small pile of shame at home, albeit smaller than most other hobbyists, and I'm taking this opportunity to paint some minis and tell a little story in the process. I've been meaning to do this with one of my Oathmark characters for a long time anyway - the master necromancer Givana!

But as the saying goes, “No master fell from the sky” and I guess that also applies to necromancers. At some point and somehow they must have started out, stuck their noses into books of forbidden knowledge, carried out their first experiments and experienced their first missteps and triumphs.

Deth Wizards – 1: The Book


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Deth Wizards – Raising the dead

In December we started talking about what to cover for next years CONflict Rhineland, after we did Tanks for the Apocalypse in 2024 by Snarling Badger Studios. Various options were on the table, we were thinking about doing a mech game using Osprey's Gamma Wolves or Arsenal, or doing naval warfare with Galleys & Galleons by Ganesha Games. We considered using Deathship One by Joseph McCullough (the author of Frostgrave), and have the survivors fight a mighty vampire and after me throwing in my Zombie T-Rex, we ended up back with Snarling Badger Studio and their necromantic skirmish combat Deth Wizards.

snarling badger studios - deth wizards

As that game is capable of solo- and coop gaming as well, it would be very flexible for a hosted table, as we could adapt the scenarios to the liking and skill level of the gamers. Beside that, Florian just got a new 3d printer (Bambu Lab A1) and with him printing Briarwood terrain pieces, it was a great excuse for everybody to paint up some Undead. Even Dino joins in and we will have parallel projects - that is a first.