February 2025 review
Welcome to March and let's do a recap on February 2025.
I pre-ordered the Army Painter - John Blanche Masterclass sets at Radaddel and now that they were shipped, I have set 1 and 2 in my hands. Looking forward to use them on the Turnip project.
Beyond that, we had a lot of Warhammer on here during February. From the High Elves release for The Old World, we covered the Ellyrian Reavers. And strongly reminds me to get back painting my Blood Bowl High Elf team.
Dino’s February 2022
February is over and so it's time for my monthly résumé. I would like to start with an entertaining oneliner, but creatively and hobby-technically there is unfortunately a little low tide at the moment. It's not that I don't have any projects to work on, but this month I simply haven't had the chance to spend some time on them.
January 2022 review
Oh boy, we've already made it past the first month. That went quickly and it feels like march is already in reach.
January was pretty dominated on Blood Bowl - and I love it.
Thanks to Radaddel for the quick delivery. I stocked up on supplies, only to have the first brush mess up after only 30 seconds. I basically only removed the tube, dipped it in the paint and - bam - the bristle is standing off.
Twelve months, 20,- Euros – Part 1
There is hardly a hobbyist who doesn't have a certain stock of leftover minis at home. In my case, this used to be for a growing bitzbox, but since then, a whole series of unfinished projects have also come along. Since my "Pile of Shame" is already quite large, I thought of a strategy at the beginning of the year to reduce it and at the same time prevent it from growing again. The idea was simple:
Every month I have a budget of 20,- € for my hobby.
With this limit I' d like to achieve that I dedicate myself to my old projects, and at best increase them instead of starting any new ones. Long story short - fight the unpainted minis! In my annual review I already mentioned that the first thing I want to do is to finish my Mortal Gods Hades army. For this I need two squads of zombies that I've already startedn and one base with skeletons.
One Thick coat? Two thin coats? Most important some primer!
As there seems to be shortage in Citadel Chaos Black primer and people are asking the same question again and again. Who can I buy a can? Well, before you pay some stupid mark-up price or go dire. Get this - there are other manufacturers who provide primer in a can.
2014 or Hetzers gonna hetz
Welcome to the new year and a rather bold start with some painted miniatures. Let's start with some terrain, i did first colors on the lovely Renedra Shed. It's amazing to see how good drybrushing works on these kits. That is just black primer with 3 different drybrushs (different colors for the roof and planks).