Age of Sigmar Stormbringer – What’s next?
In case you're starting collecting Age of Sigmar miniatures with the Stormbringer magazine series, either by buying individual issues or being a subscriber, it'll take a few months until you have enough for a full scale match of Age of Sigmar. So what to do in the meantime?
First of all, the magazines cover some rules for an entry level gaming experience, and that's - especially for newcomers - a reasonable way to start with. But if you're already familiar with wargaming that might just not be enough for the beginning. Obviously, as you are not restricted to the content of the magazines, you can just drop by your local gaming store (Warhammer or independent) and pick up some more miniatures, like a Start Collecting or Vanguard box.
Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine
Hachette and Games Workshop teamed up for the fourth time and now it is time for the release of STORMBRINGER in Germany.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, it is a collection series of magazines, that include a set of miniatures which each issue (in some cases paints instead) and Stormbringer is the latest instalment of this format.
Warhammer Merchandise – Koyo Pins
Koyo announced their new series of Warhammer faction pins and to take a closer look, the send us a few of their current Warhammer Age of Sigmar 2nd series.
The pins are 4,95 GBP / 5,95 EUR and come in blind packs. Each series has 12 regular silver pins and a special golden one. Each icon covers one faction.
Da Red Gobbo Surprise and Grotmas Gitz
This year Games Workshop offers two Christmas miniatures, that are available until January 8th of 2024. In addition to Da Red Gobbo himself, as Da Red Gobbos Surprise in its 2023 iteration, we get a kind of Bad Santa variant to him, the Grotmas Gitz.
Both are 32,50 EUR / 25 GBP and have rules for the use in Warhammer 40,000 as well as Age of Sigmar, as downloads for free. But what is the story behind Da Red Gobbo?
Warcry – Hunter and Hunted
This weekend WarCry receives a larger update, covering a terrain set Ravaged Lands: Scales of Talaxis, two warbands and a new supplement Hunter and Hunted. And this supplement will be covered today.
With Hunter and Hunted we move within the Gnarlwoods into a part, where we find new Seraphon relics, and two new warbands, Gorger Mawpack and Wildercorps Hunters, fight each other. Please note, this is not a stand-alone, you need either one of the starter boxes (or at least the rulebook) to be able to make use of this boxed set.
This boxed set has a RRP of 105 EURs, covers a thin campaign booklet, instructions, a card deck, a large sprue for the terrain and two sets of a pair of medium sprues for each of the warbands.
Warhammer World 2023 – Exhibition Centre Part 1
Part of the Warhammer World experience is the Exhibition Centre, which covers large dioramas and walls full of display cases with vignettes, armies and individual miniatures very early ages of Citadel Miniatures until the most recent releases.
The exhibition centre spreads across two floors and four areas, and ticket prices are 7,50 GBP per adult, 5 GBP for children from 12 to 17, younger kids are free. There are group and family tickets available as well. You can buy a softcover book, which covers professional pictures and additional information on the larger dioramas for 18 GBP onsite, which is a perfect souvenir. The book is updated regularly and currently in its third edition.
As we already have covered the new exhibition centre in extensive articles from our visits in 2018 (Warhammer Fantasy / Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy / Warhammer 40k) and 2020 (Warhammer Fantasy / Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy / Warhammer 40k), the focus this time is more on some spotlights and novelties, as some of the larger setups were replaced and / or updated.
Warhammer Fest 2023 Recap and Comments – Part 2
Picking up after day one of Warhammer Fest 2023, Games Workshop started with Age of Sigmar, we actually received a three part reveal.
The first one, covering a well-deserved update on the Imperial Knights, now known as Cities of Sigmar Freeguild Cavaliers. Quite the tall horses and stunning barding on these. I like the different armour pieces and variants for the helmets. The old kit is 25 years old and did some heavy lifting back in the day, but it is time to send them into their well-deserved retirement. It will be interesting to see if the Demigryph cavalry will be phased out as well, as they don't really fit with the scale and who would ride demigryphs if you can have these horses? Impressive kit and I can imagine an impressive kitbash potential for Astra Militarum rough riders as well.
Warhammer Quest – Cursed City Nightwars
The first supplement for Warhammer Quest - Cursed City is available with Night Wars. It's been a long time since the initial release of Cursed City, so give me a brief moment to get you up to speed.
The Warhammer Quest series is an old range of miniature board games and started almost 30 years ago in 1995 with the original Warhammer Quest, when Games Workshop co-operated with companies like Hasbro to reach a broader audience for their range of Citadel miniatures. In 2017 Warhammer Quest returned, into the newly created narrative of Age of Sigmar, with Silver Tower in 2016 and Shadows over Hammerhal in 2017. In 2018 with Blackstone Fortress the Warhammer Quest series even received a 40k spin-off, that was quite successful and covered with multiple supplements that reintroduced many Rogue Trader elements into the game, like the Dread Ambull.
Munchkin Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Chaos and Order
With a bit of delay I am happy to cover the new supplement for the Warhammer Age of Sigmar variant of Munchkin, Chaos and Order, which was released in June 2020 in English and June 2021 in German, adding the forces of Chaos (with the Khorne Bloodbound) and Kharadron Overlords as part of the Order faction to the game. The English version of the game is released by Steve Jackson Games with the localised version available through Pegasus Spiele.
Along the base game we've covered the first supplement Death and Destruction (with Flesheater Court and Ironjaws) on here as well. The latest supplement Guts and Gory (covering Undead and the Ogor Mawtribes) hasn't been localised yet, so will wait for the release of that.
As with the other supplements, this one covers 112 cards as well and is priced at a RRP of 19.99 USD, the German box supplied by Pegasus Spiele is a bit cheaper at 14.99 EUR.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Realmscape Nexus Syphon
Among the Realmscape terrain kits released along with the new Age of Sigmar edition, is the Nexus Syphon. It is either part of the Extremis boxed set or available individually.
The overall design of the new Age of Sigmar 3.0 terrain was moved from ruins of battle, towards new towns and outposts under construction, rebuilding and forging new settlements. The Nexus Syphon, a magical construct to channel the energy from the realms to power and protect these newly founded colonies of the Dawnbringer Crusades.