
Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III Titan Walk

As a sum up of the Battle for Uulda weekend, we did a brief photoshoot of the miniatures we brought to Uulda. A good mix, three traitors and three loyalists.

Legio Tempestus (Stormlords)

by Marius / Poom / Herr.Poom

Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus Adeptus Titanicus - Battle for Uulda Legio Tempestus


Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III

I got my Legio Astraman ready - just in time - for the Battle for Uulda III.

This is a private gaming event, hosted and organised by BroncoFish of GrimDarkTerrain. You can find the pictures of Battle for Uulda part one and two on his instagram, along with the projects of the other participants. This is not a tournament or competitive event, but a get together of wargames, who know eachother from Horus Heresy gaming and were kind enough to invite me for the current installment.

As we were an odd number of players (7 in total), Bronco decided to give me some guidance through my very first match and we spread out across 3 different tables. All of them 4 by 4', spotting Civitas Imperialis Terrain and GrimDarkTerrrain. We had a Administratus Sector, a Marsian Outskirt and Desert Forge World to choose from.

Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III


Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VII

As with the last update on January 29th, the main objective was to get these battle ready (as "defined" in the White Dwarf tutorials lately), meaning something functional that would count as painted without causing me shame while gaming.

I managed to get through with the reavers early last week, leaving me with the Warlord Titan finished on wednesday. While I underestimated the smaller titans while building them (meaning glueing the armour panels to the bodies), I had a pretty good estimation on the Warlord, leaving all armour panels off until painting as well as using build groups for easier handling. I still am not a big fan of the Greedy Gold and will very likely either replace it or mix in a yellowish-brown for better coverage the next time I use this colour.

Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VII Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VII Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VII


Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. VI

The deadline is coming closer and I am in the focus zone to get a maniple of my Legio Astraman painted. That's the reason why some of the other content that is in progress, has been on hold, but more on that in the sum up of January.

So what's the status?

Battle for Uulda III is next weekend (hosted by Broncofish) and I am on the guest list among other wargamers (Poom, Lord Leonatos, The Prophet of Fire, AuxiliaryMirelurk, Hive Citizen) who I know from their projects and internet fame for quite some time but never met in person. So that is something that I look up for as well.

As arriving there with unpainted miniatures would not be an option, for several reasons, I grabbed my mood board and favourite paint pal and picked up the brush again.

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Astraman Mood Board Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Astraman Paint in Progress


Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Pt. V

Legio Astraman got magnetized in my mustering post for this army project, and as Legio Astraman is heavy on the Gatlings, I had to get these for my Warlord Titan. So the Macro Gatling Blasters got magnetized to give me options towards the Belicosa Volcano Guns.

Adeptus Titanicus - Warlord Battle Titan Macro Gatling Blaster

And so did I with the shoulder armament, the paired Gatling Blasters, magnetized as well. Games Workshop / Forge World did a proper job on these, as you don't need to drill and they take 5 by 1 mm round magnets.


GrimDarkTerrain – Hermes Class Light Salvage Titan

Returning with my attention to Adeptus Titanicus, I am happy about the size of my maniples (so far) and the "only" thing, that I want to add to is the terrain. I have a subscription of GrimDarkTerrain for a while now, but my Anycubic Mono 4K is not the ideal hardware for printing terrain - at least not larger items and larger batches. This is one of the reasons, why I am happy that there are printing service with a merchant license for GrimDarkTerrain like Winterdyne (UK), MegaSonicPunch (Germany/EU) or Hangar81 (US).

Luckily, not every set Bronco designs is that large, and in February 2022 the Hermes Ripley was released as a monthly package.

GrimDarkTerrain - Hermes Class Titan


Adeptus Titanicus – Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan

In January Games Workshop announced a new titan for Adeptus Titanicus - the Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan. After about 4 months the kit is available via Forge World and today, we have the chance to see it in our review.

Adeptus Titanicus - Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan

The Dire Wolf is a variation of the Warhound Titan and available in two variants, one with a Neutron-Laser and one with a Volcano Cannon.


Adeptus Titanicus – Warmaster Iconoclast

The variant of the Warmaster Titan, the Iconoclast with different weaponry was released in Winter '21, and actually the first of the Adeptus Titanicus plastic kits, that I didn't cover as a review - until now!

The Warmaster keeps it very similar to the Warlord Titan, where only a single sprue is swapped to cover the alternative variant of the titan. And for that reason, this is more of an add-on along with some further add-ons, to the initial review of the Warmaster variant with the plasma destructors. As well as making use of my newly access to 3d printing.

Adeptus Titanicus - Warmaster Iconoclast Adeptus Titanicus - Warmaster Iconoclast

The kit wasn't supplied by the manufacturer this time, but more of a casual chance at a trade, and I added a few bits that I found online (more in detail below). The RRP of the Warmaster is now 130 EUR since April '22 (compared to 125 EUR when it was released last year) and it covers four large sprues, an oval base, decals, a rather unflattering black and white assembly instruction, along with the cards and terminals made from card board, covering the rules and information for gameplay.


Adeptus Titanicus – Legio Astraman Ad Arma Part IV

And we pick up the Legio Astraman for Q2 / 2022 again, I didn't finish them as part of the summer project, but I want to give it another go. New motivation, thanks to a new tool.

I want to start small and work my way up the titan size chart, so I'll pick up the squad of three Warhound titans.

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Astraman Ad Arma


Thunderhawks – Hooo!

Closing the gap on the area between Adeptus Titanicus and Aeronautica Imperialis got a bit easier, with the recent release of Astartes Aircrafts. And among those aircrafts, is one of the most famous flyers the Space Marines have, the mighty Thunderhawk! (Imagine the Thundercats intro ... hooooo!)

Aeronautica Imperialis - Astartes Aircrafts

I have to be honest, the Thunderhawk has a special meaning for me. Beginning with the first Thunderhawk, all metal kit, that was released in the late 90s and I even held that one on my first visit to Warhammer World in 1999. And that particular kit got much more attention this year, when Emil a.k.a. Squidmar got one of these Thunderhawk kits, painted it up and sold it for an impressive 25.600 GBP.