Adeptus Titanicus – The Dark Mechanicum stalks…
We've covered the Dark Mechanicum units for Legions Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus, and the smaller Stalker Constructs "only" include two of each of the three different constructs, so I went for a second box to boost them up to four per unit.
It was important to me, to swap around the legs and poses as much as possible, to create the most variety from that set. With the Scintillax "Cyclops" Noospheric Stalker and Tenebrax "Archer" Battle Stalker, that wasn't the biggest issue as they have weapons options and that alone prevented them from being a clone army.
Legions Imperialis – Dark Mechanicum Serperos Overlord Heavy Stalkers
The second set from the Dark Mechanicum for Legions Imperialis are the Serperos 'Overlord' Heavy Stalkers and they complement the lighter Stalker Construct to flesh out the Mechanicum lists for the traitor forces.
This set goes for pre-order today on December 7th and will be released on December 21st 2025, at a RRP of 41 EUR.
The constructs are new designs to the Horus Heresy, and haven't been seen before neither in 28-32 nor epic scale. As Games Workshop uses the larger models for the product pictures on Titanicus, Aeronautica and Imperialis, we actually get a preview on the upcoming models right there on the boxes. With this kit we get four models of the new Serperos Heavy Stalker design.
Legions Imperialis – Dark Mechanicum Stalker Constructs
In addition to the Mechanicum release for Legions Imperialis, Games Workshop added the first sets for the Dark Mechanicum, the Stalker Constructs and Serperos Overlord Heavy Stalkers - both of which we're going to cover today, but starting with the Stalker Constructs here.
This set goes for pre-order today on December 7th and will be released on December 21st 2025, at a RRP of 41 EUR.
These are entirely new designs added to the game. We had obviously Dark Mechanicum in the lore in the past, as a playable faction as well, but never written out in detail. And to give the "full scale" Horus Heresy folks a heads up. Games Workshop uses the 28-32mm models for the box art with all the epic scale products (they did so with Adeptus Titanicus and Aeronautica Imperialis) and what we see on the packaging is most certainly the upcoming model for the Horus Heresy.
TabletopWelt Paint Meeting 2024
For the third time, Robert aka Grinsemann of Wolpertinger Miniatures organised the TabletopWelt Maltreff (Painting Meeting), and this time - after some mild persuasion by Dino - I joined in.
The venue is a youth hostel, located within an old manor in the Eastern part of Germany, in Thuringia about half an hour north of Erfurt. But more on that later.
Adeptus Titanicus – House Moritain Ad Arma Pt. III
As the base decoration is dried and would be ready for further washes and dry brushing, I finished the trim and details on the models, it was time for further progress.
This meant a proper wash on both the bases and models. The later got a wash with Army Painter Dark Tone, but on a dampen surface, to use the capillary reaction of the water to bring in the pigments of the wash into the recesses.