
Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023

CONflict Rheinland returns for the weekend of May 12th to 14th, once again as an internal affair. And I was there for the third time, after last year's show and the last public one in 2019. And with it being held in Langenfeld, just north of Leverkusen, it is a one-hour drive for me and much quicker than that for the people joining in from the Ruhrarea or Cologne.

And obviously, we can't cover an event, without covering the parking lot first. Lots of space right in front of the venue.

Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023 Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023 Internal CONflict Rheinland 2023


April 2021 review

We managed to raise ~510 EUR for cancer research in April with the sale of Warhammer Underworlds and Kill Team promos, as that would be an odd number, I rounded it up to 550 EUR and donated the money yesterday morning to the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg.

Dt. Krebsforschungszentrum

There are still a "few" tokens, cards and dice left, so if you want to join in on the May pot (and don't mind the german language on some of the items), get in touch with me.


American Civil War on an epic scale

I am preparing a bit of American Civil War for Q2 / 2021. I don't stray often from 28mm, but there is such a broad variety of scales in wargaming (just to give you some examples from 6mm Epic sci-fi, to 10-12mm Warmaster fantasy, 15mm ACW, 28mm Napoleonics and 40mm Perry Border Reavers) that I needed to take a closer look, when something is released in plastic.

Different Scales


Games n Dice Historical Demo Day 2019

As Gregor is sharing the images from their Longstreet battles and going for quite some length to do research on his regiments, it was about time, to give this ACW rule set a try. Therefore he invited me to join them on their Games n Dice Demo day on historical tabletop systems to Düsseldorf.

The date was yesterdays saturday, and as traveling so early in the morning is quite free of traffic and stress, I was a bit early and had time to take a couple of pictures before hand of the store Drachental.

Drachental Düsseldorf Drachental Düsseldorf


Vintage Wargaming

I have to thank Driscoles from the Sweetwater Board for this great found, that i'd like to share with you.

This is some vintage wargaming, captured on tape, and i really like the gentlemen like way of gaming. These videos were made in the late 70s and it the terrain looks very impressive. They cover Gettysburg (ACW) and Waterloo (Napoleonics), but enough introduction. I'll let you take at the videos by yourself.