
Old MacDonald had a farm …

Scatter terrain is an important part of any table. Most will think about crates, barrels and similar line of sight blockers. But there is more, animals for example. There are a lot of companies covering different sets and individual animals, but Warlord Games is among the first to provide a plastic kit for them. At least in 28mm, I have heard of some using Pegasus Hobbies Farm animals, but those are 20mm / 1:72 scale).

So I'll show the contents of the Farmyard Animals kit, and the predecessor blisters of small farm animals and large farm animals.

Warlord Games - Farm Animals


Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Eyes of the Nine

Along with Zarbag's Gitz the Eyes of the Nine were released late 2018. Introducing the followers of Tzeentch to the game. Therefore adding after two warbands devoted to Khorne and the undivided Godsworn Hunt, another part of the pantheon of chaos.

Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Eyes of the Nine Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Eyes of the Nine

The warband of the Eyes of the Nine is a supplement for Warhammer Underworlds (Nightvault) and costs 22.50 EUR. It is available without the cards as an Easy-to-Build kit for 20 EUR. The 6 models come in two light-blue plastic sprues and come with a card deck and instructions for assembly.


Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Zarbag’s Gitz

Zarbags Gitz were one of the first warbands released for Nightvault, late last year and with the recent release of the Gloomspitze Gitz it makes sense to take a closer look at them.

Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Zarbag's Gitz Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Zarbag's Gitz

The warband of Moonclan Grots (formerly known as Nightgoblins) is the largest of them available for Underworlds so far and after the Orruks of Ironskull's Boyz the second greenskin warband.


Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Godsworn Hunt

Paired up with Mollog's Mob, the second warband that isn't part of a regular Age of Sigmar faction is introduced as a warband for Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Godsworn Hunt.

Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Godsworn Hunt Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Godsworn Hunt

Godsworn Hunt belongs to the chaos pantheon, but unlike the Reavers or Magore's Fiends, not devoted solely to Khorne, but part of the Darkoath. The Darkoath is so far covered by two miniatures in the Age of Sigmar range, with a Warqueen, as part of Malign Portent, and a Chieftain, who was introduced with Warhammer Quest. And they are covered in the Roll Models webcomics shown on Warhammer Community, and at best compared with the chaos marauder tribes of the Old World.


Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Mollog’s Mob

During Warhammer Fest Europe last year the new season of Underworlds Nightvault was announced, we were told that factions would be introduced to the game that haven't been released for Warhammer or Age of Sigmar. Thus bringing us the warbands of Mollog's Mob and Godsworn Hunt.

Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Mollog's Mob Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault - Mollog's Mob

Let's start with Mollog's Mob today. The warband was released early this year, but already previewed at Spiel in Essen, where it was shown fully painted during the event.


Conquerors of Mictlan

Beside the Last Patrol Kickstarter by Black Scorpion, I pledged the Conquerors of Mictlan campaign by Antediluvian Miniatures last year in September. It was supposed to be delivered in January 2019 - it wasn't. Dropped here in mid of march. For a range of miniatures, that were mostly done and only needed casting, that's mediocre project management.

Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago Antedeluvian Miniatures - Conquitadors of Mictlan


Bolt Action A12 Matilda II Tank Troop

The latest plastic vehicle kit for Bolt Action is the Matilda II, shown here as the tank troop with 3 tanks. The Matilda II kit available either as a single vehicle boxed as A12 Matilda or as a three tank troop.

Bolt Action - Matilda II Tank Troop Bolt Action - Matilda II Tank Troop

Of the Matilda Mk I only 140 units were build and the successor Mark II saw action in early in the war in France, but became more famous in the Desert Campaign against Italian tanks. The A12 / Mark II was produced between 1939 and August 1943, with a production run of around 3,000 units. Roughly a third of these were delivered to the Soviet Union under the Lend & Lease agreement. Captured Matilda II were used by the Germans under the nomination Infanterie Panzerkampfwagen Mk II 748 (e) or Pz.Kpfw. Mk II 748 (e). While the British replaced the "Queen of the Desert" beginning 1941 with Valentine tanks, the Australian army used their Matildas until the end of the war.


Black Scorpion – Last Patrol Kickstarter

I've been looking for some proper modern combat miniatures in 28mm for ages. Where as other theatres of war like World War 2 have dozends of companies supporting the players with miniatures, even for the smallest factions, Modern Combat in 28mm is rather scarce.

Yes, there are Empress Miniatures, but I prefer the Hicks sculpts they carry, or The Assault Group, but those didn't age that well to be honest. And Black Scorpion used to offer some very appealing modern US Marines, but didn't move them over to the new range they offer in resin. Until late autumn last year.

Black Scorpion did run a brief Last Patrol Kickstarter, and offered the whole range of 3 full squads of 10 including some stretch goals. I was one of only 52 people to participate. The initial delivery time was June 2019, so I expected to wait for quite some time and what shall I say, in early february a small package arrived.

Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol Black Scorpion - The Last Patrol


Warhammer 40.000 Killzone: Sector Fronteris

A bit unexpected a new Killzone was released, the Killzone Sector Fronteris. So far, the existing Killzones were based upon already released terrain kits and repacked them with a solid bargain. The Sector Fronteris makes use of the STC Ryza Pattern design, that were first introduced with the Realm of Battle Moon Base Klaisus and later in a smaller kit as the Ryza Pattern STC Ruins. The later I already covered in a review on here.

Warhammer 40.000 - Killzone Sector Fronteris Warhammer 40.000 - Killzone Sector Fronteris

What does STC Ryza pattern mean in this case? A STC is a standard-template-construct, that enables the Construct Machines of the Empire to produce specific objects, to a certain standard, equally and easily all over the Empire with the local ressources. These STC aren't just covering buildings like the Ryza pattern, but vehicles, like the Rhino, generators or shelters.

This kit comes at the regular price tag of 65 EUR for the Killzones. It is a bit tricky to calculate the savings on this kit, the other kits usually have a value of at least 110 EUR. Beside the last before this one, the Wall of Martyrs, where the saving dropped by quite a bit. This box covers the large frame from the Moon Base twice, but none of the smaller ones (those were moved towards the Killteams Starn's Disciples and Theta 7), so a new sprue was added to the box. But more on that below.


Bolt Action Opel Blitz & Maultier

In late 2017 Warlord Games covered the Opel Blitz / Maultier combi plastic kit for Bolt Action.

Bolt Action - Opel Blitz / Maultier Bolt Action - Opel Blitz / Maultier

The truck is one of the workhorses of the German army, transporting troops, supplies and ammunition were they were needed. The Opel Blitz is the most known of these trucks, other companies like Ford or Daimler supplied their own trucks, in some cases like the DB 701 by Daimler, it was simply the Opel Blitz without the markings built under license.

Where the Opel Blitz was build between 1937 and 1944 and made it to around 70,000 units, the half track variant of the Opel Maultier was released later in 1942/43 and around 20,000 units were built. As these trucks were the standard solution for logistics of all kind, there were multiple variants of them, converted and built for use as ambulance, communication, weapon carriage and even uparmoured ones.