Oathmark Goblin Infantry
Another non-human boxed set for the Oathmark range is the Goblin Infantry. I've already covered the Elves and the Dwarves in the past, so if you want to take a look at them, click the links above.
The Oathmark - Battles of the Lost Age range is a project by Osprey Games and North Star Military Figures, with Renedra covering the casting. I didn't buy this kit nor did North Star gave it to me for review purposes, I traded it from the travelling box HANS!. That is the reason why the box is a bit beat up and the sprue of square bases is missing.
Baron’s War Kickstarter arrived
Andy Hobday, one of the heads behind Footsore Miniatures got together with Paul Hicks and started a crowdfunding campaign in September for the first Baron's War.
The first Baron's War, 1215 to 1217, was another english civil war. And due to the timeline and style of the miniatures interesting for me, as I could use some of the models for my Crusader project, that I mainly source from Perry Miniatures former Norman / now Crusades range.
Oldhammer Undeads by The Assault Group / White Knight
In summer I traded some of my Rogue Trader Genestealer Cults in and got a small Oldhammer undead warband. I was looking into the gaps, that I was missing, for example some Zombies to fill up the ranks.
But old doesn't mean good in automatically, and the old Zombies from the early and mid 90s didn't really appeal to me. So I went out and looked around, what miniatures would be a good replacement or stand in.
HANS! Get the hand truck!
In May I participated in the latest "Stuffbox" from the Sweetwater Community, the one from TabletopWelt got lost by Hermes - great job guys! But a new box was packed and went on its way. And with an eye on the tracking I knew HANS! would arrive today. A brief ring on the door bell and a small lipped good morning by the postman confirmed that and the heavy load of the content.
Crooked Dice – Colony 87 Third Wave Kickstarter
A lot earlier than I expected the Colony 87 plegdes arrived this monday. In the crowdfunding campaign a release in november was avised and that was fine for me.
It is the third wave of the miniatures range and the third time, it was financed through crowdfunding. The campaign was funded succesfully and landed more than 25.000 GBP with 400+ supporters. That is more than the first and second campaign combined (Colony 87 and Return to Colony 87), with roughly 5k GBP and 10k GBP.
Bolt Action US Infantry 2019 American GIs
This kit has been around for a while, but I think it makes sense to team it up with the Campaign supplement for Operation Overlord. Warlord Games gave the US Infantry, one of the oldest kits for Bolt Action along with the Brits, an overhaul. And that box is todays topic, the new US Infantry, WWII American GIs.
The kit is meant to be used for mid to late war period armies and covers the regular troops of the Americans, from the battles in the Mediterranean until the end of the war in Europa. As usual we have 30 miniatures spread across five sprues, along with multiple weapon options and of course round bases. You'll find a construction leaflet with multiple sample poses on it, along with a detail list of which part is which and a sheet of waterslide decals. The price for the 28mm hard plastic miniatures in heroic scale is 27 GBP.
Warhammer 40,000 – Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
Let's finish the industrial vehicle theme with a Buggy, the Rukkatruck Squigbuggy, that will be de-orcified within this building review. The Squigbuggy was introduced along with a couple of other new orc vehicles on the Speed Freeks release.
The Squigbuggy isn't the first Ork vehicle that I convert, I did some work on the Battlewaggon and the Ork Bomba. I bought it last year, it was one of four vehicles not exclusive to the Speed Freeks kit back then (the Kustom Boost-blasta and Shokkjump Dragsta would only be available through the boxed set). With the latest price update it is now 40 EUR, like the other medium sized ork vehicles.
Tanks for the Spanish Civil War
I am currently consolidating my projects, among them Bolt Action. The problem in that case aren't the vehicles, but the amount of miniatures you quickly end up with. Especially with the plastic kits (and then adding sprues from the sales), 30 something paratroopers, and 30 something grenadiers, and 30 something ... you get the picture.
For that reason I decided to go with Winter Germans for late war, Afrikakorps for mid / special theme and have the Spanish Civil War as a early war German list. The Spanish Civil War is often described as a prelude to World War 2. Communist fought against Nationalists, supported by larger powers like the Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and the Soviet Union, who were testing their gear for an (possible) upcoming greater war.
The russian armory supplied the republican faction with tanks, among them the T-26 in several variants. Rubicon offers the kit with 10 variants, for those built between 1931 until 1939. But why is that interesting for me, with my Nationalist forces? Equipment, vehicles and tanks were captured by both sides, and T-26s were not a rare sight within Nationalist armies. And I got a soft spot for captured vehicles.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Thundrik’s Profiteers
We covered Ylthari's Guardians earlier this week and are closing on the Nightvault coverage with the last of the warbands of season 2, Thundrik's Profiteers.
Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault – Ylthari’s Guardians
Let's head into the last week of our Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault coverage with the two latest warbands, Yltharis Guardians and Thundrik’s Profiteers. Where as we're starting today with the Sylvaneth boxed set.