Adeptus Titanicus – House Moritain Ad Arma Pt. II
We're jumping back in time to cover the progress on the miniatures for our Battle for Uulda campaign weekend. In addition to be a bit more flexible with my Legio Astraman, I added a few auxiliary knights from House Moritain.
As we would be playing between 1.250 to 2.000 points, in different matches and to cover the different point sizes of in these lists, I added three Cerastus Lancers and two Acastus Knight Porphyrion to the backlog of the current project. As I already put the Lancers on bases, but with thin sheets of plastic between the feet and the base, to not have them sink into the base decoration, I repeated the same thing for the Acastus knights and covered initial base decoration.
Adeptus Titanicus – House Moritain Ad Arma Pt. I
As each of my titan legios will cover an allied Knight Household, I want to start with those supporting Legio Astraman.
According to the Adeptus Titanicus supplement Loyalist Legios this would be the Knights of House Moritain, due to its ties to the Forge World Graia.
July 2024 review
Welcome to August, and let us look back to July.
While I even managed to squeeze in a paint-meetup with my buddy Lukas, to get some progress on my Caledor Dragons, I unfortunately have to throw in the towel regarding the 18 miniatures in 3 month competition, as I really didn't get that much done on that Blood Bowl Team this month.
Road to CONflict – Part VII
You could see my progress on the tanks in the last article, Road to CONflict - Part VI, and now we were on the final steps just days away from CONflict 2024. In part IV I gave you the overview on the terrain files I printed for our demo table.
Grabbed a variety of green tones to paint the base colours, and moved on to the further scatter terrain and mines.
Road to CONflict – Part VI
And on we go, after adding the base colours to the tanks in the last part of our Road to CONflict, we applied the first weathering and first coat of wash onto the models, in this case Army Painters Dark Tone.
Re-Enter the Space Hulk – In Space No One Can Hear You Scream
Back in 2009 I reviewed the third edition of Space Hulk, and it was a "limited" release back then and Games Workshop really took that seriously, that the reprinted the boxed set for a limited amount of boxes multiple times over the following years, as the 4th edition in 2014, and another print run in 2016. The actual limitation was that the translations didn't receive a reprint, and the releases in the 2010s were just available in English.
Yet, we want to re-enter the Space Hulk, as I own the third edition and got a bunch of new designed Indomitus Terminators from the individual kit and Deathwing Assault, and I want to do a retro-mod using these new, upscaled sculpts and move away from the Blood Angels in the same step.
Blood Bowl – Caledor Dragons Part 2
Well, here we are. I enrolled the High Elves Blood Bowl Team of the Caledor Dragons on the 18 miniatures in 3 month challenge, a project that I painted my Realm of Chaos Beastman warband for back in the day,
Between the four team names (Chrace Lions, Ellyrian Stallions, Lothern Sea Serpents and Caledor Dragons) and six different colour schemes, the Caledor Dragons made the cut, with a jersey picking up the theme of the Dragon Princes of Caledor from the Middlehammer era.