Necron Invasion
Necrons are a fixed part of the 40k universe, and most people probably don't remember a Grim Dark Future without them. They were around since the early days, but more design-wise. The Chaos-Androids from Space Crusade / StarQuest are clear predecessors of the later Necron design, but the Necrons were properly introduced to the game mere months before the end of the 2nd edition in White Dwarf 217 and 218 (January and February 1998 - German issues #25 and #26). In the third edition they should shine, with a full codex in 2002 along with proper plastic kits.
But in this "small" time frame in 1998 from January to September (because in October 1998 the third edition dropped) all we had were a few pages of units for an entire army. Because all you could place were the only HQ choice they had, a Necron Lord, the regular Necron Warriors along with scarabs and the Destroyers for support. That was the entire armylist. We even had some Immortal sculpts, but now rules for those.
Blood Bowl – Preparing for match reports
I've written multiple times about my love for Blood Bowl on here, and I want to move the coverage into a nostalgic driven direction. We did game reports in the past, Dino did so with his Maulers, but I want to pick something up in a style, that I grew up with.
To give you an idea, what I am talking about, these are pictures from tactic articles from the very first German White Dwarf issues introducing Blood Bowl.
Building a Space Marine Lantern
In Germany we celebrate Martin of Tours and him dividing his coat, as St. Martin including a procession. Children will attend it, carrying a lantern, singing Martin's song and depending on the region will receive a Weckmann or sweet pretzel.
Depending on the time you have on your hand and the age of your cihldren, you either buy a pre-made lantern or build one yourself with them at Kindergarten or School. As this year, my kids build theirs in school and kindergarten, and are old enough to carry their lanterns on their own, I didn't want to go empty handed and build one for myself.
But what should my lantern be? And after thinking about it for a while, I had the idea of building a Space Marine helmet.
WarCry – Gloomspite Gitz Part 3
I've been busy and am doing my best to have the warband painted by the end of the month. Not at least because I want to play a few games with it on the weekend of the Maltreff 2024. As I already knew the setup of my warband, it was just a matter of dividing it up into easy-to-paint chunks. I always find it difficult to paint several minis at the same time, as I paint the same colors for too long and quickly get bored. This is particularly the case with large models.
So I started with an easier task, the archers. I built one from the regiment box and the other from the Zarbag's Gitz box. I will paint this Underworlds warband completely at some point, as the models are really nice.
Age of Sigmar Warcry – Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant
When you have subscribed to the Stormbringer magazine series, there are here and there optional bonus miniatures that you can pick up at a heavy discount. For example this Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant.
This came a bit as a surprise, for two reasons. For one you have to opt out if you don't want to receive this model, but as it was a third of the regular RRP, I could live with that and I wasn't aware that this was a plastic kit, as I thought this model was one of the finecast characters among the Ogor Mawtribe range.
Adeptus Titanicus – House Moritain Ad Arma Pt. III
As the base decoration is dried and would be ready for further washes and dry brushing, I finished the trim and details on the models, it was time for further progress.
This meant a proper wash on both the bases and models. The later got a wash with Army Painter Dark Tone, but on a dampen surface, to use the capillary reaction of the water to bring in the pigments of the wash into the recesses.